Sunday, February 5, 2017

Bag Tax, The Dumbest Tax of all Time

19th Ward grocery stores watch their shoppers go to the suburbs on this Super Bowl Sunday, as the shopping bag tax protest silently spreads. 

Leadership seems intent on turning the city of Chicago into another Detroit. Cook County sales tax, soda pop tax, bag tax, parking tax, to go tax, property tax increases, dumpster tax. Coming soon, city and county income tax. 


  1. Anonymous2/05/2017

    Make sure you stop and thank Matt, Bill C, Fran H and Tommy Dart next time you see them. Let them know that this is further proof that you guys are truly looking out for the average Joe...

    1. Anonymous2/05/2017

      Not so sure you can blame the 4 amigos. This is bigger than them

    2. Anonymous2/05/2017

      Not directly but this and all other obnoxious business killing ideas come from one and only one source in this great area - the Dumbocratic Party.

      P.S. I know a really politically connected guy who works for the city and is widely known to be the cheapest sob you will ever meet. But - when it comes to governing the city, County, State and Nation -he supports the drunken sailor lunatic taxing, spending and debt merry go round of the Democrats. Hypocrites. Just like old Bill Clinton and Killary when they used to write off their used underwear for tax write offs (true story). Don't do as I do - do as I SAY

    3. Anonymous2/06/2017

      No not even remotely.

  2. Anonymous2/05/2017

    File bankruptcy now otherwise there will be nothing left.

  3. Anonymous2/05/2017

    Then add it to their water bill and hire a few thousand clerical employees/friends of Rahm.

    Its the Democratic way.

  4. Anonymous2/05/2017

    Amusement tax, bottled water tax, telephone tax, Airport tax, software tax, Makes you just want to get out of here.

  5. Anonymous2/06/2017

    Murph, please tell everyone what ward 19 pols are getting multiple govt pensions. In view of the proliferation of new and increased taxes, the public has a need to know.

  6. Anonymous2/06/2017

    How did Alderman O'Shea vote on the bag tax?

  7. Anonymous2/07/2017

    Democrats....stealing your hard earned money to line their pockets and gives some to have nots to buy votes......
