Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trump Twitter

If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!


CHICAGO (AP) - A day after President Donald Trump declared he was ready to "send in the Feds" if Chicago can't reduce its homicides, Mayor Rahm Emanuel warned against deploying the National Guard, saying it would hurt efforts to restore trust in the police.
Trump offered no details on what kind of federal intervention he was suggesting or if it could involve troops, but the mayor cautioned that using the military could make matters worse.
Perhaps Rahm is really just concerned with his image of not being able to control the city. Imagine pictures of troops on the streets of Chicago on the nightly news. In the very least, law and order will be restored. 


  1. Anonymous1/24/2017

    It's Muslim WAR On White Europe

  2. Anonymous1/24/2017

    Chicago will be screwed without the feds since the sissy ballerina has made policework illegal and dumbed down the requirements so minorities and petty criminals can become members of CPD

  3. Anonymous1/25/2017

    Its about time, the Demoncrats need to be deported from office while the FEDS are at it.

  4. Anonymous1/25/2017

    No coincidence that the crime rate is shooting up while the sheriff is continuously coming up with reasons why the criminals should be left of of jail early.

    1. Anonymous1/26/2017

      They're not going to bring in troops with guns. When an arrest is made with a gun it will be federal and the federal judges will sentence them to 12 years in a federal prison. So when Will get arrested as a felon with a gun and a long rap sheet, the ATF will take him into the MCC. Drug cases will all be DEA.

      There will be a lot of people going away for a long time.

  5. Anonymous1/25/2017

    The 19th Ward was right to vote for President Trump.

    1. Anonymous1/26/2017

      The 19th ward went for Hillary 65%

    2. Anonymous1/26/2017

      Untrue. East of Western was about 65% Killary. Of course that includes the black area which of course is 125% for Killary. Then West Beverly from Western to train tracks and golf course....went about 55-60% for Killary. West of Kedzie went about 60% Trump. So it was definitely not 2 of 3 for Hillary. You can also credit BLM communist nut jobs on election day for helping Trump. However, considering what horrible service we get from our local Democratic Party and how much our taxes have risen it is getting pretty hard to live in this area where everybody drinks the koolaid of the Democrats. This County is surrounded by a sea of rationale and reasonably moderate to conservative tax paying people who vote against the Democrat Party.

    3. Anonymous1/27/2017

      Actually it is true.

      2016 General Election:

      19th ward

      Trump 10,234 35.06 %
      Clinton 17,603 60.31 %

      If you still doubt me:

    4. Anonymous1/28/2017

      Yes we doubt you.How many of those votes were from illegal aliens and people who voted more than once?? What about all the political hacks given dead peoples names and assume their ID??

  6. Anonymous1/25/2017

    Chicago IS the epicenter of corruption and a bastion for progressives. Cut the head off the snake and the others will follow.

  7. Anonymous1/25/2017

    First-responders were on the scene Wednesday of a shooting on Chicago’s South Side in which several people were shot.

    The incident occurred around 8:15 p.m. near 75th and Rhodes.

    Five people sustained gunshot wounds and were transported to area hospitals, Chicago police said. The victims reportedly included a 12-year-old boy,

  8. Anonymous1/26/2017

    Tiny dancer has to be blowing mud right now.he will be outed in two years and the WH gig is off the table since Billary was stopped cold.

  9. Anonymous1/26/2017

    The fake outrage by the liberal leftist Democratic Party monopoly in Chicago was predictably foolish and predictably phony. The same day, five are shot on the same day that Trump announces his concerns. Who do you think the average person will believe? And where was the outrage by the same Democrat Socialists about those shootings?......"crickets chirping"

  10. Anonymous1/26/2017

    With Rahm doubling down on Sanctuary City Status and Dart tearing down parts of the jail and terrorizing his employees.I predict Chicago will have 900-1000 murders and 5k shootings for 2017.

    1. Anonymous1/26/2017

      They will almost all occur in the usual neighborhoods. Neighborhoods who voted 100% for the Democrats. Their Messiah left them just as they were when he took office.

  11. Anonymous1/30/2017

