Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Liberal

Leftwing Pathology

The Left, who call themselves liberals and Progressives, are a curious political breed.
In his book, The Liberal Mind, psychiatrist Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D., identifies irrationality as the Left’s dominant attribute — an irrationality that is “the product of psychopathology.”
At the least, liberals are rank hypocrites. Instead of the bleeding hearts they claim to be, liberals are stingy toward the poor and needy; they are generous only with other people’s money. Instead of treating all peoples by the content of their character, liberals are racially discriminatory; some are black and brown supremacists. Instead of the feminists they pretend to be, liberals are misogynists – hateful and vicious toward conservative women. Instead of their rhetoric of being for the common man, liberals are elitist snobs who constantly denigrate their political opponents by portraying conservatives as ignorant, dumb rednecks without a college education or the proper Ivy League credentials.
At the root of the Liberal Syndrome is a mental and moral disorder. Liberals are miserable, bitter, malcontent people with a perennial chip on their shoulder. They are arrogant and narcissistic, with a self-serving relativist morality. That is why they resent religions that have a moral code, especially Christianity that believes human beings are a fallen creation who are redeemed only through the self-sacrifice of a loving but moral God.


  1. Anonymous1/12/2017

    The caustic combination of corrupt politicians with nothing but contempt for the public; a police force so broken down in spirit it visibly resents interaction with even law-abiding citizens; a criminal underclass empowered by the incessant drone of liberal rhetoric wandering the streets posing clear and present danger to everyone around them; and the enablers, who are everywhere, to say nothing of the ugly, decaying infrastructure, poor economy and joyless entertainment and leisure opportunities — it is for these reasons I have made the decision to disconnect forever.

    1. Anonymous1/12/2017

      Above is an example of the perennial chip on the shoulder.
