Thursday, May 5, 2016


Below is an article from 2000 that explores the concept of recolonization of the American southwest. I think it gives everyone something to think about. 

I'm not looking to bash anyone single ethnic group but I am requesting a discussion of a topic that will surely be on everyone's mind, soon. 

Multiculturalism, Immigration, and Aztlan

By Maria Chang 
Volume 10, Number 3 (Spring 2000)
Issue theme: "Revised projections: Census Bureau report projects a more crowded and balkanized U.S." 

One of the standard arguments invoked by those in favor of massive immigration into the United States is that our country is founded on immigrants who have always been successfully assimilated into America's mainstream culture and society. As one commentator put it, "Assimilation evokes the misty past of Ellis Island, through which millions entered, eventually seeing their descendants become as American as George Washington."1
Nothing more vividly testifies against that romantic faith in America's ability to continuously assimilate new members than the events of October 16, !994 in Los Angeles. On that day, 70,000 people marched beneath "a sea of Mexican flags" protesting Proposition 187, a referendum measure that would deny many state benefits to illegal immigrants and their children. Two weeks later, more protestors marched down the street, this time carrying an American flag upside down.2 Both protests point to a disturbing and rising phenomenon of Chicano separatism in the United States - the product of a complex of forces, among which are multiculturalism and a generous immigration policy combined with a lax border control.
The Problem
Chicanos refer to "people of Mexican descent in the United States" or "Mexican Americans in general."3 Today, there are reasons to believe that Chicanos as a group are unlike previous immigrants in that they
are more likely to remain unassimilated and unintegrated, whether by choice or circumstance - resulting in the formation of a separate quasi-nation within the United States. More than that, there are Chicano political activists who intend to marry cultural separateness with territorial and political self-determination. The more moderate among them aspire to the cultural and political autonomy of "home rule." The radicals seek nothing less than secession from the United States whether to form their own sovereign state or to reunify with Mexico. Those who desire reunification with Mexico are irredentists who seek to reclaim Mexico's "lost" territories in the American Southwest.4 Whatever their goals, what animates all of them is the dream of Aztlan.
According to legend, Aztlan was the ancestral homeland of the Aztecs which they left in journeying southward to found Tenochtitlan, the center of their new civilization, which is today's Mexico City. Today, the "Nation of Aztlan" refers to the American southwestern states of California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, portions of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, which Chicano nationalists claim were stolen by the United States and must be reconquered (Reconquista) and reclaimed for Mexico.5 The myth of Aztlan was revived by Chicano political activists in the 1960s as a central symbol of Chicano nationalist ideology. In 1969, at the Chicano National Liberation Youth Conference in Denver, Rodo!fo "Corky" Gonzales put forth a political document entitled El Plan de Aztlan6 (Spiritual Plan of Aztlan). The Plan is a clarion call to Mexican-Americans to form a separate Chicano nation:
In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage, but also of the brutal "gringo" invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers ... declare that the call of our blood is ... our inevitable destiny. ...Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops, and not to the foreign Europeans. We do not recognize capricious frontiers on the bronze continent. ...Brotherhood unites us, and love for our brothers makes us a people whose Time has come. ...With our heart in our hands and our hands in the soil, we declare the independence of our mestizo nation. We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan.7
How Chicanos are Unlike Previous
Brent A. Nelson writing in 1994, observed that in the !980s America's Southwest had begun to be transformed into a de facto nation"8 with its own culture, history, myth, geography, religion, education and language.9 Whatever evidence there is indicates that Chicanos, as a group, are unlike previous waves of immigrants into the United States.
In the first place, many Chicanos do not consider themselves immigrants at all because their people "have been here for 450 years" before the English, French, or Dutch. Before California and the Southwest were seized by the United States, they were the lands of Spain and Mexico. As late as 1780 the Spanish crown laid claim to territories from Florida to California, and on the far side of the Mississippi up to the Great Lakes and the Rockies. Mexico held title to much of Spanish possessions in the United States until the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican-American war in 1848. As a consequence, Mexicans "never accepted the borders drawn up by the 1848 treaty."10
That history has created among Chicanos a feeling of resentment for being "a conquered people," made part of the United States against their will and by the force of arms.11 Their resentment is amply expressed by Voz Fronteriza, a Chicano student publication,12 which referred to Border Patrol officers killed in the line of duty as "pigs (migra)" trying to defend "the false frontier.13
Chicanos are also distinct from other immigrant groups because of the geographic proximity of their native country. Their physical proximity to Mexico gives Chicanos "the option of life in both Americas, in two places and in two cultures, something earlier immigrants never had." Geographic proximity and ease of transportation are augmented by the media. Radio and television keep the spoken language alive and current so that Spanish, unlike the native languages of previous immigrants into the United States, "shows no sign of fading."14
A result of all that is the failure by Chicanos to be fully assimilated into the larger American society and culture. As Earl Shorris, author of Latinos: A Biography of the People, observed: "Latinos have been more resistant to the melting pot than any other group. Their entry en masse into the United States will test the limits of the American experiment...."15 The continuous influx of Mexican immigrants into the United States serves to continuously renew Chicano culture so that their sense of separateness will probably continue "far into the future...."16
There are other reasons for the failure of Chicano assimilation. Historically, a powerful force for assimilation was upward social mobility - immigrants into the United States became assimilated as they rose in educational achievement and income. But today's post-industrial American economy, with its narrower paths to upward mobility, is making it more difficult for certain groups to improve their socioeconomic circumstances. Unionized factory jobs, which once provided a step up for the second generation of past waves of immigrants, have been disappearing for decades.
Instead of the diamond-shaped economy of industrial America, the modern American economy is shaped like an hourglass. There is a good number of jobs for unskilled people at the bottom, a fair number of jobs for the highly educated at the top, but comparatively few jobs for those in the middle without a college education or special skills. To illustrate, a RAND Corporation study forecasts that 85 percent of California's new jobs will require post-secondary education.
For a variety of reasons, the nationwide high-school dropout rate for Hispanics (the majority of whom are Chicano) is 30 percent - three times the rate for whites and twice the rate for blacks. Paradoxically, the dropout rate for Hispanics born in the United States is even higher than for young immigrants. Among Chicanos, high-school dropout rates actually rise between the second and third generations.
Their low educational achievement accounts for why Chicanos as a group are poor despite being hardworking. In !996, for the first time, the Hispanic poverty rate began to exceed that of American blacks. In 1995, household income rose for every ethnic group except Hispanics, for whom it dropped 5 percent. Latinos now make up a quarter of the nation's poor people, and are more than three times as likely to be impoverished than whites. This decline in income has taken place despite high rates of labor-force participation by Latino men, and despite an emerging Latino middle class. In California, where Latinos now approach one-third of the population, their education levels are far lower than those of other immigrants, and they earn about half of what native-born Californians earn. This means that, for the first time in the history of American immigration, hard work is not leading to economic advancement because immigrants in service jobs face unrelenting labor-market pressure from more recently arrived immigrants who are eager to work for less.
The narrowing of the pathways of upward mobility has implications for the children of recent Mexican immigrants. Their ascent into the middle-class mainstream will likely be blocked and they will join children of earlier black and Puerto Rican migrants as part of an expanded multiethnic underclass. Whereas first generation immigrants compare their circumstances to the Mexico that they left - and thereby feel immeasurably better off - their children and grandchildren will compare themselves to other U.S. groups. Given their lower educational achievement and income, that comparison will only lead to feelings of relative deprivation and resentment. They are unlikely to be content as maids, gardeners, or fruit pickers. Many young Latinos in the second and third generations see themselves as locked in irremediable conflict with white society, and are quick to deride successful Chicano students as "wannabes." For them, to study hard is to "act white" and exhibit group disloyalty.17
That attitude is part of the Chicano culture of resistance - a culture that actively resists assimilation into mainstream America. That culture is created, reinforced, and maintained by radical Chicano intellectuals, politicians, and the many Chicano Studies programs in U.S. colleges and universities.
As examples, according to its editor, Elizabeth Martinez, the purpose of Five Hundred Years of Chicano History, a book used in over 300 schools throughout the West, is to "celebrate our resistance to being colonized and absorbed by racist empire builders." The book calls the INS and the Border Patrol "the Gestapo for Mexicans."18 For Rodolfo Acu�a, author of Occupied America: The Chicano's Struggle Toward Liberation, probably the most widely-assigned text in U.S. Chicano Studies programs, the Anglo-American invasion of Mexico was "as vicious as that of Hitler's invasion of Poland and other Central European nations...."19 The book also includes a map showing "the Mexican republic" in 1822 reaching up into Kansas and Oklahoma, and including within it Utah, Nevada, and everything west and south of there. At a MEChA conference in 1996, Acu�a referred to Anglos as Nazis: "Right now you are in the Nazi United States of America."20
The effect of books such as these is to radicalize young Chicanos. As an example, although Chicano undergraduates at Berkeley lacked any sort of strong ethnic identity before entering college, at Berkeley they became "born again" as Chicanos because of MEChA and Chicano Studies departments.21
The strident rhetoric of intellectuals is echoed by some Mexican-American politicians. Former California state senator Art Torres called Proposition 187 "the last gasp of white America" and spoke of "reclaiming" Southern California. The Mexican government also contributes to the Chicano sense of separateness through its recent decision that migrants will not forfeit their Mexican citizenship by becoming U.S. citizens and are allowed to vote in Mexican elections.22
Multiculturalism and Immigration
All of this is exacerbated by the U.S. government's immigration policy and a new ethic of multiculturalism that has become almost an official dogma in the mass media and in academe. Exponents of multiculturalism maintain that all cultures are equal, and that the United States must accept its destiny as a universal nation, a world nation, in which no one culture - especially European culture - will be dominant. "The ideal of multiculturalism is a nation which has no core culture, no ethnic core, no center other than a powerful state apparatus."23
The social ethic of multiculturalism is actively supported by an official government policy of "corporate pluralism" which militates against America's earlier ideal of assimilation. According to Gunnar Myrda!, "corporate pluralism" refers to a society where racial and ethnic entities are accorded formal recognition and standing by the state as groups in the national polity, and where political power and economic reward are based on a distributive formula that postulates group rights and defines group membership as an important factor in the outcome for individuals. By replacing individual meritocracy with group rewards, corporate pluralism "strongly discourages assimilation in the conventional sense because if a significant portion of one's rational interests are likely to be satisfied by emphasis on one's ethnicity, then one might as well stay within ethnic boundaries and at the same time enjoy the social comforts of being among people of one's own kind."24
Corporate pluralism is realized through such government policies as affirmative action, court-ordered busing, and bilingual education. In the case of the latter, by the late 1970s, bilingual education has become "a Hispanic institution." A bilingual establishment has been formed which "fights for jobs and perks" and is determined to maintain Spanish as both language and culture. Being supported by government laws, that establishment cannot easily be dislodged.25
Chicanos are not the only ethnic groups in the United States who resist assimilation and are geographically concentrated in certain areas and cities. The Cubans in Miami and Chinese in Monterey Park are other examples, but neither group is large enough to practice autonomism or separatism. Chicanos in the Southwest, however, are great in numbers and "are producing spokesmen for ... autonomism, separatism, and even irredentism."26
Since 1977, INS has apprehended over a million illegals a year, the majority Hispanics; anywhere from 2 to 5 million eluded the INS. By the early 1980s, the number of illegal aliens in the United States, mostly Hispanic, totaled 3 to 12 million. In 1980, the Census Bureau counted 14.6 million Hispanics in the United States, increasing to 15.8 million by 1982, and 17.3 million by 1985 - making America the 5th or 4th largest Spanish-speaking country in the wor!d.27 According to the 1990 Census, Latin America accounted for 38 percent of America's foreign-born, well over half of whom were from Mexico. The real percentage is probably higher because illegal aliens avoid the census and most illegals are from Latin America.28
According to a report by the Urban Institute in 1984 entitled The Fourth Wave: California's Newest Immigrants, by the year 2000, 42 percent of Southern California's residents will be Caucasian, 41 percent Hispanic, 9 percent Asian and 8 percent black. Demographers Leon F. Bouvier and Cary B. Davis in Immigration and the Future Racial Composition of the United States expect that, by 2080, Hispanics (more than half Chicano) will constitute 34.1 percent of the total U.S. population, even if immigration were restricted to 2 million entrants a year from all areas of the world and birthrates of Hispanics converge with those of non-Hispanics. In 2080, Hispanics will be either a plurality or a majority of the population in California and Texas at 41.4 percent and 53.5 percent, respectively, assuming an influx of a conservative one million immigrants a year.29
Former Senator Eugene McCarthy, writing in 1987, had warned of a "recolonization." McCarthy's warning was sounded five years earlier by a historian of race relations, George Fredrickson. Speaking at a colloquium on race relations in !982, Fredrickson observed that:
There are two ways that you can gain territory from another group. One is by conquest. That's essentially the way we took California from Mexico and ... Texas as well. But what's going on now may well end up being a kind of recolonization of the Southwest, because the other way you can regain territory is by population infiltration and demographic dominance. ...The United States will be faced with the problem that Canada has been faced with ... and which our system is not prepared to accommodate.30
Mario Barrera, a faculty member of U.C. Berkeley's Department cf Ethnic Studies, admitted that multiculturalism "would help prepare the ideological climate for an eventual campaign for ethnic regional autonomy."31 In January 1995, El Plan de Aztlan Conference at UC Riverside resolved that "We shall overcome ... by the vote if possible and violence if necessary."22 The rise of Mexican irredentism as a serious political movement "awaits only the demographic transformation of the Southwest."33 As an article entitled "The Great invasion: Mexico Recovers Its Own" in a 1982 edition of Excelsior, Mexico's leading daily newspaper, put it:
The territory lost in the 19th century by ... Mexico ... seems to be restoring itself through a humble people who go on settling various zones that once were ours on the old maps. Land, under any concept of possession, ends up in the hands of those who deserve it. ...[The result of this migration is to return the land] to the jurisdiction of Mexico without the firing of a single shot.34
Multiculturalism and the United States government's immigration policy have contributed toward the rise of Chicano ethnic separatism within the American Southwest that has all the makings of an incipient Nation of Aztlan.


  1. Anonymous5/05/2016

    So once the Mexicans reclaim the Southwestern part of the United States, they will till the soil, and make Adobe houses, recolonize the area with their native tongue and the rest of us won't have to worry about the shit the cartels are poisoning our children with. That so? Works for me.

  2. Anonymous5/05/2016

    They stole it from the Indians?

  3. Anonymous5/05/2016

    So now the former mucky mucks in the Republican party are going to take a pass on the convention because Trump won. I don't get it. They made the rules, he played by the rules, kept winning primaries, they tried stealing delegates because of Trumps weaker ground game, he still won. How'd you like to play poker with these guys? Did I say 3's and 9's wild? I meant Acey-Deucy. And now on top of the rest of the heap, Paul Ryan says he's not ready to endorse the Republican nominee. I can't help thinking these guys are a bunch of pussies.

    1. Anonymous5/05/2016

      They are not true conservatives. Just in it for the $$ and power.

  4. Anonymous5/05/2016

    This just in...Obama commutes the sentences of 58 non violent drug dealers. Meanwhile, Blagojevich is still in Colorado.

  5. Anonymous5/06/2016

    I don’t agree with Ms. Lewis about a lot of things, but one area where she speaks the truth is in saying that they are broke because they want to be. And why do they want to be? So they can privatize. Everything. It’s disgusting. Study after study has shown that the privatization of government functions rarely adds any cost savings to the operations of said management. If anything, it adds to the costs. It has already rung true with the first installment of Aramark’s contract. It’s hard to say whether or not Sodexo had any added-on costs and invoices in the manner which Aramark did, but I am willing to bet that Magic Johnson bet a $250,000 contribution to Mayor Emanuel’s re-election in order to keep any of those overruns very private. And just where is Mr. Middle-Management Motorola Man Tim Cawley these days? Who is his replacement (he of Hispanic descent and two, COUNT THEM TWO DEGREES FROM NORTHWESTERN, and what does he know about operating budgets in the world of Academia, aside from debits and credits as a function of his numerous years of service with KPMG? It’s as though all of the beans that I learned to count with as a youngster have been taken out of the classrooms and moved to the boardrooms of the new and improved CPS headquarters downtown and on West Washington.

    Here is a question: what happened when those 50 schools shut down? Wasn’t there a company that was to oversee the transition of the schools along with a retired Marine? Who are these people? And who is GWS, and just what did they do to warrant a $30 million-plus contract for furniture and supplies that went missing? Books, desks, chairs and really nice and expensive kitchen equipment…And just where is GWS today? Are all of these empty schools safe and secure, or have some been broken into, robbed and pillaged in the name of furthering CPS’ speedy decline? What about the buildings that have been sold? What have they been sold for, and where have those millions of dollars gone that were to plug the gaping holes in the budget?

    It’s an intriguing dilemma, and one that begs the question of where else is the waste in the system? It isn’t the teachers, custodians or any of the other departments that serve as the glue to keep these communities together. The answer lies on the Fifth Floor and that little dictatorial tyrant known as Rahm Emanuel. True to his sociopathic nature, he gets off on lying and cheating before putting on a fuzzy sweater and making you believe and trust in him again, only to become that lying and conniving boyfriend who lets the dust settle enough to start ripping open your heart again. I’m sorry but, it’s high time that Rahm and his ilk get the hell out of Chicago and go back to DC, Wilmette or wherever somebody will have him. He is not for us and with the reckless abandon with which he has governed this city, he belongs in jail, and not just because he is a poor leader. No, because he tried to be like Daley and he just isn’t smart enough. Say what you will about that man from 35th and Lowe, but he did actually love this city and care for its citizens. Not all and not by a longshot. But he had more humanity and humility in one of his digits than this sick and disgusting sociopath has in his 9.5.

    Please go Rahm, please go. If you go now, you won’t have to worry about heading to jail like Hot Rod. And sad as a Trump presidency would be to see, the one redeeming event that might take place would be for Rahm to take that perp walk we all wish he would.

    God Bless you Troy! Keep up the fight and turn up the heat on these people. Hiding behind a face of faux compassion, they are the heart and soul of Lucifer himself!

  6. Anonymous5/07/2016

    President Fox thinks we are all just a bunch of drunks.

  7. Anonymous5/07/2016

    Tell me why the Chicago Teachers Union allies itself with Black Lives Matter, the International Socialists of America, and Immigrant Rights Groups? Why does the Democratic Party - supposedly the Party looking after the "Working Families" support candidates who are hell bent on importing millions of unskilled workers into our Country - even when we have 94 million people out of the work force? It is part of the plan to destroy this country - starting with the middle class. And to the guy who posted an entire article above - you think the waste is not with the Teachers? You are incorrect. Teachers are paid over 70k per year some over 80k. They generally work only 9 months of the year. They are significantly overpaid and when you add their bloated pension promises - they are the MAIN reason we are insolvent. They typical CTU teachers ACT score is a 19 ! Well below the the scores of those in the private sector who are paid similarly.

    1. Anonymous5/07/2016

      I agree. CPS teachers are grossly overpaid.

  8. Anonymous5/07/2016

    president fox must have seen a st, pats parade on western ave, and painted us all with the same brush,signed . a orange wasp in beverly who is passing...

  9. Anonymous5/09/2016

    Just one more of the 1,001 ways the Democratic Party hates the citizens of the 19th Ward and has not only turned its back on us - but is now working against us. Just because the Union tells you that this guy or that woman is good, doesn't make it so. Hurley, Cunningham Dart are all extremely liberal. Now the Democrats are all behind this movement because they see it as the only way to remain in power. Natural born Americans, especially whites, now have woken up to this hateful agenda. They need to import voters. Voters who will work for next to nothing and drive down all of our wages. Explain to me how this is pro-worker? Stop worshiping at the altar of the Democrat Party. They have morphed into an ugly anti-traditional values organization that is actually hostile to our residents.

    1. Anonymous5/09/2016

      I'm not so sure the Republican party is the answer either. Look at the way the Bushes, Romney and Ryan have been conducting themselves this past week. They are all about the money and power. They could give two hoots about conservatism.

    2. Anonymous5/10/2016

      The worst Republican is better than the best Democrat

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    It was practical. Keep on posting!
