Thursday, November 19, 2015

Move over - there’s a new Sheriff in town


“To Forgive The Terrorists Is Up To God, But To Send Them To Him Is Up To Me” – Vladimir Putin 

“Like any other day, Russian President Vladimir Putin woke up, shaved himself with a sharpened axe (didn’t even use shaving cream), and then mentioned casually to a reporter, ‘To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them to him is up to me.'”
– Rudy Panko on Russian Insider

I am not happy to be praising a country that was our rival during most of my life. But let’s examine a couple of facts presented by Dianne Marshall in The Marshall Report:

Putin’s message is clear to the western world. He is ridding the Syrian area of all the terrorists the west has, under Obama’s leadership, sent into the region to kill Christians and topple Syrian President Assad. Putin is not letting up and all systems are go for “Operation Salvation”
…Meanwhile the west is holding firm in their propaganda that the problems in Syria have caused a refugee crisis and continues to send it’s healthy young adult men with fresh cut hair, brand name clothes and clear voices that shout Allah Akbar throughout Europe and the United States. The refugees have been being sent since the crisis began and is now clearly seen by many European nations as a Trojan Horse mandated by the western controlled UN refugee agency’s mandate…
…While the refugees shout Allah Akbar, Putin has declared, “It is morally incumbent upon Russia to change this terrible status quo in the Middle-East. Prepare for operation ‘Salvation’ and with God almighty’s aid , we shall cleanse Syria from Obama’s ruthless terrorists.”…

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11/19/2015

    For all the campaign promises of "transparency" by candidates of both parties, I cannot remember a time, and this includes the Nixon administration, where the inept, incompetent and stupid have been allowed free reign to focus the attention of this country on matters of debatable importantance while turning a blind eye and deaf ear to the terror threat thats shown itself over the last 4 years. Leave no man behind was the cliche Obama invoked in trading Bergdahl for 5 Taliban terrorists. The non-negotiating talents of both Clinton and Kerry are right there for everyone to see as Iran prepares to finance the manufacture of nuclear weapons with monies returned to them under the guidance and approval of John Kerry. The lies from Clinton to the FBI regarding her server and her emails and her "what difference does it make" attitude towards those Americans killed in Benghazi would shame the average American, but undaunted by shame and hypocrisy, this woman stakes out an entitlement to be president of this country. Is anyone else out there watching? Are we that stupid to believe these serial liars. Are the likes of Harry Reid and Dick Durbin supposed to calm this country of fast approaching danger. Wake up. These leftist policies are leftover from the 70's. That's almost half a century. Wise up for Christ sakes.
