Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Humor of Ronald Reagan


  1. Anonymous8/12/2014

    Tax increaser who ballooned the size of federal spending, thereby creating the generations of debt we have.

    Worse, he granted amnesty to MILLIONS of illegals. What a liberal.

    1. Anonymous8/12/2014

      Either someone so far to the right that you think everyone is a liberal....or just another Democrat Socialist type who thinks by telling others that Reagan was a tax increaser....who ballooned spending....that somehow we will not like Ronnie. Nice try. P.S. The President cannot spend one nickel without Congress approval. P.S.S. the Congress was Democrat during Reagans terms. p.s.s.s. he also won the Cold War despite idiots like Joe "hair plugs" Biden and John Kerry fighting and the whole liberal Democrat "nuclear freeze" idiots fighting Reagan all the way. I have a simple formula for Foreign Policy. "Find out what Biden thinks and do the opposite".

    2. Anonymous8/12/2014

      If it were not for Reagan we would probably be under the direct or indirect control of the Soviets (who by the way would still be in business). He literally brought America back from the precipice. We must pray for someone like him to come, (in time), to save us from the new hipster progressive fascists who have slowly taken over almost every facet of our society. Movies, TV, news media, books, education, arts and entertainment. Too many people are so ignorant of what is happening to our nation. They have been brainwashed beyond belief. It is stunning how little they know of our heritage, how our amazing economic liberty has lifted the masses from poverty. Instead they are falling for the failed polices of liberal socialism....policies which have been proven to be failures over and over and over again.

    3. Anonymous8/12/2014

      Ha ha ha....."No potatoes" so funny and so true. The media are sickening liars these days.

    4. Anonymous8/13/2014

      Wasn't Reagan always known for his tax cut that fueled a huge Stock Market rally. The same rally brought America out of Jimmy Carters double digit inflation and unemployment far worse than we have had the last 7 years.

      Here is the one libs don't like. "REAGAN'S TAX CUT WAS MODELED AFTER THE KENNEDY_JOHNSON TAX CUT OF 1964"

    5. Anonymous8/13/2014

      ... still waiting on the response to his tax increases. Still, great responses.

      ... then I want the response on amnesty for ... A-L-I-E-N-S!

      The other stuff is just fun.

    6. Anonymous8/16/2014

      Reagan's tax policies absolutely were not modeled on Kennedy's. Where are you getting this stuff from? No -- that is a 100% serious question. Who/what told you that?

      Reagan cut taxes at the top. Kennedy cut middle class taxes. Reagan reduced the percentages substantially on the VERY TOP, cut the estate tax, and reduced corporate taxes.

      Reagan had a combination of MASSIVE FEDERAL SPENDING + REDUCED TAXES = enormous debt and deficit we are still reeling from.

      Reagan grossly overestimated the Soviet Union and outspent them on military. The Soviet Union foolish tried to keep up and bankrupted themselves domestically. The Soviets foolishly invaded Afghanistan after a pro-Marxist government took control in 1978. Soviets were seen as "godless" and anti-Islamic, so they were opposed. The Soviets tried to crush any resistance and were brutal to political prisoners.

      The U.S., with help from --- gasp! --- Iran and others sent aid to you know who. I hope you know by now. Speaking of Reagan, remember the "Reagan Doctrine" in 1986, the year of his sweeping (second) sweeping tax reform. Aid to Nicaragua, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Angola.

      Quiz: which President---hints: former democrat, was an artistic type (actor), union president, tax raiser, and gave amnesty to millions of ILLEGALS!---provided Stinger missiles to Afghanistan?

      True or false: the Taliban still have and still use these Stinger missiles against us?
