Saturday, August 31, 2013

Classic tail wagging the dog?

According to the media, a cruise missile attack on Syria is imminent. Why are we doing this? Is Syria a threat to the U.S.?


  1. Anonymous8/31/2013

    Congressman Randy Hultgren (IL-14) has signed a letter to President Obama reminding him to follow the Constitution and convene Congress in order to seek their authorization before using military force in Syria.

    “The horrific conflict in Syria only gets worse as more and more lives are lost, but that does not give the President authority to ignore our Constitution in matters of military engagement,” said Rep. Hultgren. “The Constitution is definitive when it comes to engaging U.S. military forces and we expect that the president would seek congressional authorization prior to committing U.S. military assets. We are ready to come back to Washington to deal with this issue head-on, carefully consider our options and, if necessary, act.”

  2. Anonymous8/31/2013

    We're going to be damned if we do and damned if we do so let the religion of peace figure it out. All those pious pieces of shit should be able to figure it out just ask good ol allah

  3. Anonymous8/31/2013

    If you needed proof Obama was just plain incompetent then here is your proof. Why would any one in their right mind get in the middle of a civil war where we will become the enemy if we use force asgainst the Syrian government. Great Britain has refused to get involved and they are by far our greatest ally. They have always helped us in the past as we have helped them. France is the only country to agree to support this mission. God only knows what Obama had to give up for their ok. I can only hope the Congress tells Barry Obama to shut up and find some other toys to play with. I just have a nagging feeling that thew fix may already be in. Why would he call on Congress to vote on this issue unless he knew he was going to win. Dick Durbin is a Liberal Communist Zombie and Kirk had his brain fried when he had his stroke. Bobby Rush is my Congressman and I know where he will land. We are already fighting two wars in the Middle East and this attack on Syria will only inflame the entire region. How many of our precious American military lives have been lost. How many are coming home in pieces and with brain damage. Enough is enough!

  4. Anonymous8/31/2013

    Obama did a good thing when he blinked.

    1. Anonymous8/31/2013

      Obama has never done a good job.

      He needs to deal with problems at home first (unemployment, underemployment, high fuel and food prices, etc).

    2. Anonymous9/02/2013

      It has been months so I have commented here, but I agree completely with the above. Rebuild Detroit/Chicago/housing/jobs before you destroy Syria and provide taxpayer money to rebuild it.

      I think I heard---and do not quote me---that the country as a total supports intervention in Syria around 8%. Congress more or less supports bombing Syria around 50%. It is cliche, trite, silly to say it, but it is time to replace Congress, beginning with Boehner.

  5. Anonymous8/31/2013

    I think after Obombya finishes his hissy fit missile strike, and after the carnage that ensues and the warned retaliation against Israel and the promises of terror attacks - we should really look into giving Obomb ya another Nobel Peace Prize.....

  6. Anonymous8/31/2013

    Obama lied ....and now people will die

  7. Anonymous8/31/2013

    So our Consulate in Lybia is attacked,overrun and 4 US citizens loose their lives,help was denied but we are going to attack/invade Syria??

    1. Anonymous9/04/2013

      I agree and what the media fails to tell you is that the Americans were tortured.

  8. Anonymous8/31/2013

    Wag the Dog

  9. Anonymous9/01/2013

    We cant afford anymore wars. Lets not loose our boys or our $.

  10. Anonymous9/04/2013

    If you want to speak your mind or just show your concerns on this wag the dog insanity.....

    Thursday night 09/05 Congressman Lipinski has a

    town hall meeting: 8156 S Archer Ave at the
    Willow Springs Community Center 7 PM Be there and let your voice be heard.

  11. Anonymous9/04/2013

    Diversionary tactic so people wont look at the scandals.yes by sacrificing American lives.

  12. We're not getting the full story. Another attempt to go into some godforsaken sand hole under some honorable pretense. It's bullshit, and sounds like Bush going into Iraq.

    1. Anonymous9/05/2013

      Obama repaying a debt or currying favor.
