- David Smith, Director, Illinois Family Institute
- Penny Pullen, President, Eagle Forum of Illinois
- Mary Anne Hackett, President, Catholic Citizens of Illinois
- Peter Breen, Thomas More Society
- Scott Phelps, Abstinence and Marriage Partnership
- Ralph Rivera, Illinois Citizens for Life PAC
- Bonnie Quirke, Lake County Right to Life
- Rev. Robert Vanden Bosch, Concerned Christian Americans
- Paul Caprio, Director, Family-Pac
Paul Caprio, Director of Family-Pac, said, “Traditional marriage, between one man and one woman, our existing state law, developed and survived for thousands of years because it is the best familial arrangement for the protection of children and, therefore, for the future continuation of society.”
David Smith, Executive Director of the Illinois Family Institute noted, "Government did not create marriage. It merely recognizes and promotes this type of relationship that exists and which protects the rights and serves the best interests of children and, therefore, of society. Research has consistently demonstrated that children fare best when raised, whenever possible, by their biological parents. The state has a vested interest in promoting this institution because it provides the ideal environment in which to raise the next generation of healthy and productive members of society."
Penny Pullen, former state legislator and President of Eagle Forum of Illinois commented, “As foundational as the family is to our society and especially to the well-being of children, it would be both wrong and dangerous for our state to interfere with the family for the sake of a social experiment whose results we cannot know for decades. The risk to future generations is too high to take this chance.”
Mary Anne Hackett, President of Catholic Citizens of Illinois stated, “Only a marriage of heterosexual persons can produce children and secure the future of society. The protection of the lives and development of children must take priority over the personal gratification of even one single adult. The definition of natural marriage must be between one man and one woman, unchanged by whims and claims of equality.”
Caprio emphasized that Coalition members will engage in grassroots lobbying on this issue through their own organizations, but that the Coalition will make public statements regarding its opposition to legalizing same-sex marriage.
Who ever thought just 20 years ago that an organization like this was necessary.
ReplyDeleteI think it is time for the readers of this blog who believe in the western tradition of marriage, of the religious beliefs of Catholicism to lobby our churches to have these people come and speak - after all they have forever invited the pro "choice" Irish Catholic Democrats to speak to our kids and at church sponsored functions thereby legitimizing them. AND if our pastors bristle at this - at least we are putting pressure on them - and exposing them for what they may be.....radicals......time to step up and get involved people....i have family members who were forever complaining ...."the Catholic Church needs to"...."why dont the Republicans". I have called them out by saying...YOU are the Catholic Church....YOU are "the Republicans"....get off your lazy arses.....and do something !!!
ReplyDeleteThe Catholic Church is not Westboro.
ReplyDeleteA massive sweeping change in our social mores, laws, traditions and human interactions should not be voted on in silence behind closed doors. Calling anyone Westboro is a totally ignorant insult. Those who disagree with your "enlightened" view is automatically a complete racist, homophobe, blah blah blah. Your fraudulent remark proves exactly why we need a true DEBATE on this subject and the purpose of my prior post was to get people to give their views on the subject. There are actually REASONS our ancestors recognized the Family (man, woman, kids)- but my point is the actual leaders of our church (Catholic) are intimidated into silence - or else their silence is acquiescing to this extreme change in our entire Western Culture. The Catholic Church is not Westboro....and Westboro is not a is a Family of nut jobs and it's numbers are that of a single family...