Monday, December 3, 2012

Was there a coverup? How hi does this go?

The Koschman mysteries


  1. Anonymous12/04/2012

    damn right there was a coverup. heavy handed from the 5th floor. why do you think dick devine retired when he did.

  2. Anonymous12/04/2012

    Daley and Alvarez and a few others need to be investigated for obstruction of justice.

  3. Anonymous12/04/2012

    He has been screaming all night long. Like a crazy midget.

  4. Anonymous12/04/2012

    Of course there was a cover up. I challenge one and all to conduct a poll and start with 19th ward Democratic loyalists and I guarantee they will support the Devine.Daley.Alvarez team and suggest something like it was the litle kid's fault. These people are shameless in the face of countless political decisions that compromise public safety,pension viability etc. all in the interest of retaining power and money. Clout trumps everything to these people.

  5. Anonymous12/04/2012

    19th Ward politicians motto - steal everything the taxpayers have, everything thee eax base provides,leave before being indicted, get a friend to run to avoid indictment, and start over again working to steal the new revenue. It is a cycle that has been going on for years.

  6. Anonymous12/04/2012

    Perhaps, just perhaps the new US Attorney will open an investigation as to obstruction of justice.

  7. Anonymous12/04/2012

    does this mean that i can get the money back from the 19th ward lady who took it to get me on the fire dept, hiring list but didnt?????

  8. Anonymous12/04/2012

    The 19th Ward Democrats have nothing to offer the average person other than tax after tax after tax.....and in your face social radicalism......
