Monday, October 1, 2012

Fool Me Twice -- Obama's Devastating 2nd Term Plans Revealed!


  1. Anonymous10/01/2012

    (not sure if this will be posted since several of my last posts somehow did not make it).

    "Disarm the military." LOL. Pres. Obama has been the most hawkish Pres. in HISTORY. When I was studying counter-terrorism---this was around 2007---it was when I realized how many drone attacks are occurring in several countries that the public does not know about. The instructor was a Bush appointee who worked in the Dept. of Def. This is no dove - Obama ain't no dove, man. The drones, by the way, are now in the U.S. for surveillance.

    Disarm is just . . . absurd. Untrue. Outrageous.Silly. Only an idiot in the true sense of the word idiot would believe that.

    A "secret" agenda? (rolls eyes, rubs temples).

    If this is what it takes to "win" the presidency, I do not remember ever seeing it this desperate before. I am serious. I have never seen such reaching to the lowest levels in our politics: religion and total untruths about this "secret agenda."

    NOW, I am starting to support Obama because his opposition is nuts.

  2. Anonymous10/01/2012

    Food shortages, gun seizures, ten dollar a gallon gas, mass unemployment, high inflation, more bank failures, big tax increases all of it leading to martial law.

  3. Anonymous10/01/2012

    Trillion dollar deficits until the country is bankrupt. Makes any of Bush H's look like pocket change.

  4. Anonymous10/01/2012

    if war happens with iran gas will go to at least $7.00 a gal reg,and watchout for the muslim sleeper cells that are just waiting for someone to strike iran! if you dont believe it thats fine but they are waiting,tick tock.....

  5. Anonymous10/01/2012

    government pensions are gone also,but not welfare or link cards at least those with government jobs pay taxes,civil war coming soon very soon!

  6. we have got to vote this guy out,period. tell everyone you know , and then tell two more people . this guy has got to go

    1. Anonymous10/02/2012

      Absolutely correct! This idiot has destroyed America !
