Monday, June 18, 2012

Will say or do ANYTHING to get a vote.

What is this chick thinking? What about just enforcing the law? 
Instead of defending and enforcing Illinois' marriage laws, Cook County state's attorney Anita Alvarez has her violating her oath of office by joining a suit brought against the state by the ACLU attempting to make Illinois's DOMA law unconstitutional. If successful, Alvarez will be able to overturn marriage between a man and a woman without having to prove a single legal point before a court of law. This is an outrageous "end run"around the will of the people and must be stopped. Illinois Review


  1. Anonymous6/18/2012

    She wants our votes, but does not share our values.

  2. Anonymous6/18/2012

    Why should it surprise anyone that this long time liberal political hack feels she can ignore the law. Liberals are above the law.Just ask them.

  3. why are we surprised by this. again , these people are only looking for votes,period. this woman is not supposed to make laws just enforce the law. this is what the ruling class likes to pull. we can not let this go because it will only be a start to other things. we can end this atnthe ballot box. That's how we defeat these rats.....

  4. Anonymous6/18/2012

    This is what we all deserve given our voting record.

  5. Anonymous6/26/2012

    I think the is standing up for her principles, which is a value that we all (should) share. Her highest affirmation is to support the Constitution of the United States and not support or enforce unConstitutional laws.

    I believe she is on the right side of this issue in terms of values AND the law.

    As much as I liked Devine and all of his people since retired/resigned, she is right on this one.

  6. Anonymous6/27/2012

    The law is a reflection of our values (always has been) and as the law changes we move forward or backward. Marriage is not in the constitution but our freedom of association is. No one here so far is saying gays cannot associate. We view marriage as an institution between a man and a woman.
