Sunday, June 10, 2012


It seems that Ald. O'Shea is proposing a tax on the Mt. Greenwood residents so the city can plant flowers at 111th and Kedzie. People are not happy. I thought that project was all paid for. This plan sounds half baked. 

A tax proposal during a recession? Sounds like an Obama proposal. 


  1. Anonymous6/10/2012

    tax, tax, tax, thats all the democrats know.

  2. Anonymous6/10/2012

    Then the drunks come out on Saturday night at 2:30am and tip them over.

  3. Anonymous6/10/2012

    19th ward democrat math.
    divide the pie into 110% slices.
    they take the first piece.
    you get what is left, 10% debt.

    speed camera. ssa tax. 67% income tax increase for you and me.

    we are sales tax, corporate income tax, property tax, "cost of doing business"......

    remember brady and hynes were demonized for suggesting that Quinn, madigan, and cullerton would raise taxes 33% I suppose that is technically correct…. They doubled it…. Of the “inflated sum”… to 67%

    Now they are talking about adding 2,000 to you property tax bill….. but they “courageously” backed off…….. until the lame duck session that is………

    fran, matt, bill, mike, quinn, rahm are all scratching their heads as to why business and jobs are not flocking to this dystopian paradise, as they stuff their pockets with largess.

    Where do we go from here??????

    We start by voting for bellar and Williams, help least 6 people to see the light and vote. remember that the number one vote getter is "did not vote", either by not registering or not taking a few minutes to vote. the machine counts on this.

    We vote for the republican slate for water reclamation (there is a daley running as a dem Thompson I beleive)

    Wisconsin was once considered deep blue and was a landslide for the gop.


  4. Retired Ald. Ginger Rugai6/10/2012

    I love Matt O'Shea. I would let him tax me to breathe. We are lucky to have a rubber stamp true democratic such as Matt in the 19th Ward. Matt O'Shea and Tom Dart are two great 19th Warders.

  5. Anonymous6/10/2012

    Ever wonder why the Mayor, any mayor of the City of Chicago wields such a strangle hold over the members of the City Council? In the swearing in ceremony, is there a three member team: Judge to administer the oath and hold the Bible, neurosurgeon and orthopedic surgeon to perform the delicate task of removing the spine. Is largess responsible for witling away the moral compass? Are the Aldermen recruited, selected or born that way? In civics/social science class we were taught that Chicago was set up to be a strong council and weak mayor. So what exactly happened?

    One of the first lessons in Economics is that sacristy increases the value of an item; an increase in the availability of a commodity lowers its price. Organizational Behavior tells us that there is a limit to the size of an effective span of control, typically 6 to 12. The confluence of these two academic disciplines renders one inescapable fact, that since there are effectively 51 Aldermen (one from each of the 50 wards and the mayor himself) and since effective control of the body would require 26 Aldermen, it would be extremely difficult to organize any resistance. A fed-up Aldermen would have to contact and convince 25 of his colleagues. Additionally since Aldermen are plentiful, and therefore low in price, a determined mayor could “effectively buy” with a few jobs or other needed city services any recalcitrant Council member for pennies on the dollar.

    Proposals to trim the council from 50 to 25 would do little to redress the current Mayoral grip. We need to trim the size of the council to 12. With 12 an Alderman would only need to flip 6 members to stand up to the Mayor. Additionally since the elasticity of demand is such that the increase in price for buying an Alderman, the likelihood of picking off his vote becomes remote and cost prohibitive. The Aldermen would argue that the larger wards that would be created would entail less representation to the people; this argument is aligned with “common sense.” But if an Alderman never exercises the will of the residence of the ward and occasionally show independence from the Mayor, then I would argue that the counter intuitive argument to the “common sense” argument would hold sway; smaller wards do not reduce the influence of the people but eliminate it.

    So assuming that people buy into the notion that reduced council sizes are better, then how do we go about obtaining them. We can accomplish this by an amendment to Constitution of the State of Illinois. Just as the 1980 referendum reduced the size of the State of Illinois House of Representatives from 177 to 118. We can put on the ballot a proposal limiting the size of all local government bodies to a maximum of 12, cities, school boards, park boards, county boards.

    1. Anonymous6/10/2012

      38 unemployed Aldermen.
      5 unemployed Cook County Commissioners.

  6. Anonymous6/10/2012

    Hey Matt, I have a piece of lint left in my pocket.
    I suppose you want that too.

  7. Anonymous6/10/2012

    The only residents that will be paying the tax are those residing in the condos and town homes on 111 st and on Kedzie. The tax is only 8%. A very very small price to pay when you see what we have planned.

    1. Anonymous6/10/2012

      8% of what? rate on the property tax bill? gee todd only wanted 1% and you want 8%.

      your property tax bills are comming out soon. i tink the typical one is going to be 10% or more higher.

      so as long as it is just MG its ok? soon it will be OL EP CK SJF etc..

      taxation without representation is tyranny.

      Millions for defense, sir, but not one cent for tribute!

    2. I don't get it -- a tax for planting flowers? Why don't you just buy the flowers and have volunteers plant them? Is this a serious propsal?

  8. you need business not plants,people spending money and supporting the wood, not concrete planters and wrought iron. Retired police and X hooder. Mount Greenwood goes the south west side goes and the city soon follows.

  9. Anonymous6/10/2012

    Some dirty pool going on behind the scenes. Matt OShea was calling board members at the Chamber of Commerce on Friday, threatening them with political annihilation if they oppose the ssa. At least 1 board member has resigned out of fear.

    1. Anonymous6/10/2012

      Why is Matt interfering with the workings of the chamber of c?

    2. Anonymous6/11/2012


  10. Anonymous6/10/2012

    Who resigned????????????????????????????

  11. Anonymous6/10/2012

    This tax will surely add to the number of vacant stores in the Wood.What is Matt trying to do.

  12. Anonymous6/10/2012

    Are they going to put some flowers in front of the nice second hand store that just opened up on the S/W corner of 11th & Kedzie? I think that would be wonderful!!

  13. Anonymous6/10/2012

    If the alderman wants to spruce up the neighborhood, he should come down on building owners that dont maintain their buildings. Example, when you come over the tracks going west, on the north side of the street, the 3rd building in, has been boarded up for years. You talk about ugly. Talk about a negative impression. Where is Matt on this building. Forget the flowers. Do something about that building.

  14. Anonymous6/10/2012

    Looks like the 19th ward dummycrats are finally learning that votes really do have consequences.

  15. Anonymous6/10/2012

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Anonymous6/10/2012

    Mt Greenwood has waited years for the signature corner. And then up pops the second had store that looks like it belongs on a corner in the ghetto. What a dump. If this the only business we can get there. What an eyesore.

    1. Anonymous6/10/2012

      This ssa is going to rival the borders books screw up. thats where they gave all the tif money to borders and in return they got another vacant store.

  17. Anonymous6/10/2012

    Hey clowns, you're being fooled. There is no such thing as a tax limited to a certain neighborhood.

  18. Anonymous6/11/2012

    ssa has been tried 3 times before it failed.matt is totally wrong on this . the city already collects a TIF what happened to that money for the last 30years. people living in homes and condo's are paying for this also get a petition and stop this bullshit.
    the tax payers in the 19th ward deserve better for the taxes the are paying on all their bill, home taxes food. how much money does the government need to rob before it works. taxpayers have a bottom line what's the 19th ward.

  19. Anonymous6/11/2012

    SSA AKA A business improvement district (BID) is a defined area within which businesses pay an additional tax or fee in order to fund improvements within the district's boundaries. Grant funds acquired by the city for special programs and/or incentives such as tax abatements can be made available to assist businesses or to recruit new business. BIDs may go by other names, such as business improvement area (BIA), business revitalization zone (BRZ), community improvement district (CID), special services area (SSA), or special improvement district (SID). A Community Benefit District (CBD), is much like a BID except property owners, not the businesses, vote to pay an additional property tax assessment. BIDs provide services, such as cleaning streets, providing security, making capital improvements, construction of pedestrian and streetscape enhancements, and marketing the area. The services provided by BIDs are supplemental to those already provided by the municipality.[

  20. Anonymous6/11/2012

    If the TIF didn't turn the area around why do you think a SSA will?

  21. Anonymous6/11/2012

    Does anyone know that Private Bank does not utilize 80% of their building. An additional tax like this could put the number crunchers over the line and they just shut the place down. What will you have then? A vacant building with fresh flowers placed in front of it every morning?

  22. Anonymous6/11/2012

    2 to 1 odds that there will be a Cash for Gold store at 111 and Kedzie by year end. Way to go Matty O.

  23. Anonymous6/11/2012

    Whats all this money being used for? What happened to the tiff money?

  24. Anonymous6/11/2012

    Come on Matt. Government should not bein the business of micromanaging a business strip just like they shouldn't be in the business of managing health care.

    Economic rules dictate that it has to fly by itself. 111th st has to be supported by the surrounding neighborhood otherwise it will wither away. There is no amount of flowers that is going to ever change that. The long term effect of the SSA, as with any high tax enviroment, may very well be the opposite of what is intended.

  25. Anonymous6/11/2012

    How bout those White Sox.

  26. Anonymous6/11/2012

    I want a Niarobi Wheel store

  27. Anonymous6/11/2012

    We don't need a new tax. We need a public service project.

    Past recipients of legislative scholarships could donate their own time and materials to beautify Mt. Greenwood. What better way to say "Thanks for paying my way!"

    1. Anonymous6/11/2012

      What a brilliant idea.

  28. Anonymous6/11/2012

    Tax Tax Tax.........

    Matt, How'd the fundraiser go last Thursday? Sorry I couldn't make, I got an extra shift to help keep up with my kid's tuition.
    I love paying taxes though. No really, keep up the good work.

  29. Anonymous6/11/2012

    Another very important thing when talking about the 19th ward either current or prior administration and when talking about Madigan. The important thing is that you mention the price when you have, to get something done.

    For example, I am one of the hand full of political works still beholding to the 19th ward and I need a job promotion to foreman. You say, I wonder how many tickets I have to buy extra to get to be foreman? My wife or daughter is a school teacher ands needs to transfer to a Chicago Public School that has less savages. How many tickets for that?

    I want a tax put in for the business here on 111th street how many tickets is that?

    I want my bar to see less inspectors per year than like the years under Daley. Tickets?

    I’m a Chicago Union worker and want a promotion. How many tickets and its OK to talk about it in Federal Court?

    Your kid wants a park district job for the summer? How many tickets is that?

    My favorite is I want my son who has little to no experience as a lawyer to be a subcircuit judge. In this case if your father was previously a patronage chief for Hynes it would cost no tickets since your family was part of the inner Hynes Circle that gets what ever they want and don't have to punch doorbells, stand out in the cold, rain or snow or be held responsible for election day precinct results on election night.

    Also this small inner circle doesn't have to buy premium amounts of ticket to get their political wish. In the case of the Judge, they get the competition on the ballot talked to so they drop out and you have little to no competition on the General Election, like this year.

  30. Anonymous6/11/2012

    anyone proposing this tax has never owned a business or maybe even worked in the private sector.

    1. Anonymous6/11/2012

      Exactly. And if you ask Matt he will tell you what Obama said recently...the private sector is doing just fine!! When these Democrats look at you funny, it is kind of like the cartoons where the person who is starving looks at his buddy and starts to see a "steak". They look at us and just see dollar signs!!

  31. Anonymous6/11/2012

    Maybe the city can buy the flowers at the second hand shit store on the corner. I think I saw some lovely plastic ones that we would just have to plant once. This new administartion is in so far over ther heads its not even funny. People are sick of it, they would rather walk away from there houses then deal with the same old bullshit. Maybe Maloney can finance the corner with one of his three pensions. Just drove thru Bronzeville and noticed they have lovely planters, I am sure the residents payed for those. Tire of getting screwed, and will be pulling a Republican Ballot.

    1. Anonymous6/11/2012

      You talk about people walking away from their houses. I agree - that's a very real fear. It's due to several factors:

      Declining home values.
      Underwater mortgages.
      Rising property taxes.
      No new city hires, so no new home buyers.

      Obama, Durbin, Quinn, Madigan, Preckwinkle, O'Shea, Dart, Hurley, etc all have to be defeated.

  32. Anonymous6/11/2012

    The Beverly Review is doing a story about the SSA and needs the names of the Chamber directors that were forced to resign. Anyone that knows the names, please contact BR.

  33. Anonymous6/11/2012

    hey matt dont worry about the flowers, worry about the pentions!

  34. Anonymous6/11/2012

    is matt or any of the other asshole politicians taxes going up with this proposal?

  35. Anonymous6/11/2012

    To keep Madigan & Matt in power Vote:
    Frances Ann Hurley & William Cunningham

    To throw Mike and Matt out Vote:
    Barbara Bellar & Steve Williams

    Your choice is clear.

    1. Anonymous6/11/2012

      Couldn't put that better myself

  36. Anonymous6/11/2012

    This really is a potentially huge problem. This is what you get when you vote for people selected in advance, with no real credentials other than that they worked for the Ward. They realized how good it feels to be do-gooders (yes they did do some good for people) - but what they never seem to understand is that they are doing it with someone else's money ! What else they don't understand is that with every dollar they give to someone with the government money - they TOOK from another taxpayer! These people are living in an alternate universe, the Beverly Bubble where most of their friends, neighbors and family all work for some govt body or some agency, etc.... NO understanding of what their stupid tax schemes do to the SMALL businesses just trying to stay afloat. Try getting sales tax revenue from a boarded up building idiots! Try getting property taxes from a foreclosed upon commercial property. Obama the Destroyer and his fools must themselves be defeated. This city, county, state, and even our country is going down the tubes because of the DEMOCRATS !

  37. Anonymous6/12/2012

    Are you friggin nuts O Shea!! How about using the tax monies collected now for the beautification, not entitlements and free stuff for the useless.

    Old retired guy

  38. Anonymous6/12/2012

    Matt is trying to one up Ginger. The result will be the same. Matt needs to get a different playbook, fast.

  39. Anonymous6/12/2012

    Has matt oshea ever had a real job. A job where you get up early and put in your 8 and perform at such a level that they ask you to return the next day?

    My thinking is that he hasn't.

  40. Anonymous6/12/2012

    Here's an idea fot Matt. Go to that meeting and say in response to neighborhood opposition, I have decided to scrape the SSA proposal and come up with alternative ideas that will improve Mt. Greenwood.

  41. Anonymous6/12/2012

    This smells like a dirty deal. I wonder what is really going on here.

    Would it be possible to examine the books and records of the existing TIF?

  42. Anonymous6/12/2012

    ............why is everything result in a tax increase? wrong solution........need hard work and people that care. thats how the wood was built. its nothing glamorous, but it works. don't mess with it.

  43. Anonymous6/12/2012

    The last time they engineered something, it was called 95th street. Look at it now. TAKE A LOOK AT IT! GET IN THE CAR AND TAKE A RIDE DOWN 95th ST. $4 MILLION DOLLARS LATER AND LOOK WHAT WE GOT.
