Monday, June 25, 2012

Obama Care is up to bat this week.

What do you think the Supreme Court will do? 


  1. Anonymous6/25/2012

    way off topic. But im tired of the "visitors" to the 19th ward. They look wonderful always standing at the bus stops along western ave, 111th street from pulaski-longwood and on 103rd street. I propose that the CTA should stop at longwood ave. I know I know, it sounds nuts but think about it. No more busses going west of longwood ave. Most people in our neighborhood dont use the bus anyway to go east. By stopping the CTA busses from coming west then the "visitors" cant come into beverly and mt greenwood which would stop all of them ruining fisher fest, martyrs fest mt greenwood park, beverly park, all of the stores etc. Keep them east. we dont need the CTA. If anything I take the metra downtown every now and then. The buses are not needed.

    1. Anonymous12/05/2012

      you, sir/madam, are a racist scumbag. and there are 100s of people in the 19th ward who take public transportation, including myself. so your racial opinions are no reason for me to not be able to take the bus, and yes THE RED LINE to work and school every day. ignorant fool.

  2. Anonymous6/25/2012

    over turned.

  3. Anonymous6/25/2012

    Well, it looked good on paper.

  4. Anonymous6/26/2012

    As a resident and police officer recent events in this neighborhood have become alarming. First off, the predominantly black funeral processions that end at the grave yard near 115ht/Western. In the last month alone there has been a bonafide gun arrest after the offender broke off from the procession when the 022nd dist tried to pull him over for open alcohol/gun in plain view. The offender then started a high speed pursuit tossing out the gun near 106/maplewood before crashing near 101/Western. He was from the 005th district. A funeral procession again ending at this same grave yard last week resulted in multiple traffic/disorderly arrests in the 008th district where it started and then numerous moving citations in the 022nd district for reckless driving where it ended here

  5. Anonymous6/26/2012

    Secondly there was a racially motivated black on white gang fight at Beverly Park handled by beat 2212 which did the paper. Black offenders beat up white victims. According to the report one of the white victims stated that this has been an ongoing problem which starts at monroe park and ends in beverly park with a fight. The white victim even stated the black offender said "lets go white boy" and punched him. Somehow not a hate crime though. Again, people who arent residents are coming into our neighborhood and causing trouble. If white kids went into the black neighborhoods the way they come into white neighborhoods and cause racially motivated incidents you can bet the papers and the politicians would be all over it.

    1. Anonymous6/27/2012

      be prepared a race war is coming to america,just wait if obama loses in nov!

  6. Anonymous6/26/2012

    Told you something big happened at Beverly Park Thursday night! And lots of people were out there and saw something.

  7. Anonymous6/26/2012


    City hospitalization for many police retirees is not guaranteed past 2013. Anybody have any insight on this?

    1. Anonymous6/27/2012

      ya you pay double or go to the county.

  8. Anonymous6/27/2012

    We need more local crime news on this blog. Pick up where the Mt. Greenwood protection blog left off. There are too many "visitors" streaming into the neighborhood to commit crimes and we have to draw a line in the sand here. They cannot be allowed to take our neighborhood. To hell with being politically correct. We are under attack.

  9. Anonymous6/27/2012

    Did the camera on the lightpole pick up anything?

  10. Anonymous6/28/2012

    Wake up. Your vote means nothing anymore in citywide elections and Rahm doesn't give a damn about the white folks on the southside. He's from the northshore, they think southsiders are all racists and deserve what they get. Obamacare is a tax on whitey. Pot ticketing is a tax on whitey. "Visitors" in your parks is a tax on whitey. We have "visitors" selling streetwise on 103rd Western and "daycare" at the new park on 107th Western. Its over! There's no more Beverly/Morgan Park, we're West Englewood.
    Supreme Court just held up Obamacare, said its a tax, so its Constitutional. But Barry promised it wasn't a tax, when he knew all along it was. Now you get to pay for somebody else's healthcare and wait in line for yours. Hope and Changed just stung you in the backside and you don't even realize it.
    "Oh, but wasn't it great that the president played golf at Beverly? Did you run up to see him? It was historical." Jeezus, give me a break.

  11. Anonymous6/28/2012

    Obamacare upheld. Sad day for the USA. This is going to have an incredibly detrimental effect on our economy. The layoffs will begin by year end.

    The Socialist are at their zenith right now. Starting today, we are going to begin the process of taking back our country. Where it ends, nobody knows.

  12. Anonymous6/28/2012

    SCC calling out Matt Oshea......

    Anonymous said...

    Ald. Matt O'Shea (19th Ward) voted for the marijuana ordinance in committee and voted for the ordinance in the council. O'Shea also voted for the speed cameras. Also, not a peep from O'Shea regarding CeaseFire. Make sure you remember this at election time. O'Shea is not voting with his constituency, he is voting to placate Rahm and get a city pension for himself. I will vote against him from now on and will advise all friends and family to do the same. Matt, look in the mirror and then try and talk to Kara and the kids about integrity!!

    6/28/2012 12:59:00 AM

  13. Anonymous6/28/2012

    From this day forward. The Congress shall be referred to as Kremlin and the Democratic Party will be referred to as the Politburo.

    For example, before becoming a high ranking member of the Polituro, Dick Durbin was a successful car salesman.

  14. If you or I want to leave this country a better place for our children and not have an anchor of debt around their future neck, we have to vote this fraud out of office. No more talk. Beat these bastards
    at the ballot box in november. We can stay silent no longer.

  15. Anonymous6/28/2012

    No joke Matt O'Shea called in two male blacks "exchanging money" with male whites around 104/western in the alley. 2211 responded and gave it an 11b (suspicious person not found). O'Shea called back and idenfified himself as alderman stating he had both subjects (the male black sellers) detained in their car (how im not sure) and demanded 2211 come back. From what i can tell an arrest was made for the male black sellers for synthetic drugs (which i assume is ex or that new weed which the city recently outlawed). Im no o'shea fan (as he voted for the red light cameras and flip flopped on the weed ticketing) but he gets a dope pinch as far as i can tell. The offenders were again from the 005th district.

  16. Anonymous6/28/2012

    Operation ceasefire is pure bullshit. Just Google Jeff fort and see the great things that piece of shit accomplished while working for the government. On to the alderman, wouldn't it be nice to see him defend a big part of his constituancy. Not a peep.

  17. Anonymous6/29/2012

    You guys should go easy on O'Shea. He's only been there a year and is still trying to learn the ropes. I think he is doing a good job and is good for the neighborhood.

    1. Anonymous6/30/2012

      Learn the ropes?!?!
      All this brainless idiot has to do is dance as "uncle skinny" pulls the strings.

  18. Anonymous6/29/2012

    O'shea worked with Rugai for how long. He's been on the city payroll for how long? Give him a break, he's only been on the job for a year and still learning the ropes. Who are you, his mama?
    I'll give O'Shea a break if he is able to keep good cops at 22.
    Because as of this morning, Wysinger is suggesting moving lazy cops from high crime districts to lower crime areas.
    Areas like 22 will start getting lazy dog merit coppers and the beast will look for low fruit in our back yards.
    So, if Timmyboy can keep this from happening, I'll buy a ticket to his next fundraiser. Maybe it'll be at the new pizza parlor on 109th Western.

  19. Anonymous6/29/2012

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Anonymous6/29/2012

    What we could use is a commander that lives in the neighborhood. I find it hard to believe the police department can't find someone who lives in this ward, and has a vested interest in this ward, to run the 22nd district. what we have is a revolving door of soon to retire commanders from Edison park that are more concerned with the numbers and the east side of the district. The fact is we have a mayor that can care less about this neighborhood and a political leadership that can't seem to convince him otherwise. While are taxes keep rising for the school system that most people don't use, the least they can do is give us some viable police protection. The fact that Ed Burke has more ploice protection then this whole neighborhood, just goes to show you where the priorities of the city council lie. They only seem to remember us when they need new revenue.

    1. Anonymous6/30/2012

      Amen brother, but many of us are our own worst enemy. Its pretty sad to see how many of the Quinn signs you could find in yards throughout the ward even though he ran on higher taxes and let career criminals out of jail to close the budget. Not to mention his stands on gay marriage and abortion that run contrarty to alot of the beliefs of people in this ward. You can bet the democrats can count on this ward every year so why throw us a bone. They could down 2211 every night leaving us with no protection and we would still vote for them.

      I think the commander has something to do with it but if you have some police who transfer to 22 to do nothing and sit there and watch these gang banger funerals drive by with people hanging out of the windows (and in recent cases carrying guns) and not doing anything proactive then what power does the commander have. Granted there are some great coppers working in tac and on some of the beat cars who do care about the neighborhood but theres also alot who want to work our beats and not do anything. i get it if you've been there and done that 25 years. Not asking you to make dope pinches, just keep the shit birds outta here

  21. Anonymous12/05/2012

    I am absolutely horrified that I live near all your people.

    1. What exactly are you so horrified of?
