Pickle lost. He backed that blowhard Tony. Tony tried to go negative and that was his mistake because he was weak on the issues and even his own record. His advisors really aren't that good and fed him bs. The only real person in the race was that Hodorowicz guy but nobaody real looked at what he had to offer or his experience. The race was deflected by the two frontrunners exchanging jabs and should have focused on who could really serve the 35th District. The presidential race had a lot to do with this outcome because people are upset with the economy and the democratic party. Again, a strong base won and unless the powers to be increase that base by extending true deomractic values the base will shrink.
To all of you disgruntled police and fire or any other government or union workers, please remember what happened in Wisconsin last year. You may not be happy with Fran Hurley as your state rep, but if you want to protect your pensions you should still vote for her. A vote for the Republican is a vote against YOUR best interest.
Unless your the private citizen paying those pensions. Where do you think the $$$$'s come from? How long do you think this con game can last? Your pensions aren't safe because Illinois is broke. You may keep dreaming of sitting beside the lake as the checks roll in, but it aint gonna happen. Checkmate. Game over.
Way to go citizens of little Ireland! Instead of voting for someone with real experience and an Irish fireman you people elect a political hack and loyal lapdog for the democrat machine. Perhaps too much inbreeding in Beverly/mt. Greenwood. Just like in the 13th ward, you people are loyal to a fault.
Way to go citizens of litlle Ireland! In stead of voting for an Irish fireman with experience managing money you people elect a political hack and loyal lapdog for the democratic machine. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Perhaps too much inbreeding in Mt Greenwood Heights and Beverly? Just like in the 13th ward you people are loyal to a fault.
Taking shots at the Irish and cpd/cfd in the 19th Ward on this blog is really unwarranted. The people on this blog are actually fighting the good fight against these classless political hacks....we DID go and vote....we DID work against them...there are just too many people afraid of their jobs and afraid of being socially ostracized...it is a tall order to overcome...But we are a movement that has not even begun to fight!! One good outcome is that the Dems are still running everything...and running it into the ground...the state is on the brink of insolvency...and when that happens...and it will happen suddenly like it did with the US govt...they will be to blame. I just wish it would not have to come to that for real "change"
I pulled a republican ballot and was announced for all to hear . I noticed all dem tickets were NOT announced but so what. Now as residents of this ward we must act. We can make a difference and must show the established crooks we mean business. We can take back our ward it will take time and effort. We should push for an open forum of the candidates. Where do they stand on issues. We don't need them to hold our hands through life just represent OUR wishes. If we truely want our ward back we have some serious work to do. Any and all ideas should be welcomed. Together we can do this.
Forget it, the 19th ward, Chicago, and Crook County are lost. The proof is in the pudding when you see your life long neighbors on Bell with "2012" Obummer stickers on their car. Too many sell outs retiring on the hard work of their neighbors. Time to cut and run, then watch from the sidelines as the Illinois debt drama unfolds.
Its amazing on how people thinking that voting republican is the answer. Be informed. Both of the parties are waging war on the middle class. Look at Tiny Dancer, Precwinkle, et al. Do you honestly thinking by pulling a republican ticket is the answer? Willard aka: Mitt is all for making the union worker the bad guy. As he recently stated, " i am for legislation making right to work a federal law" I will explain right to work. THAT MEANS YOU GET PAID NOTHING. So go vote republican and kiss more of the middle class goodbye. So, be informed.
Andy Hodo is a nice guy and comes from a great family. His father and brother have been 19th ward captains forever and gave both time and money to the organization. It is a shame that nobody was included in the selection process . Therefore, we ended up with an inferior candidate who seems clueless. Unfortunately , Hodo didn't have the time or money to mount a serious campaign but he did get the Trib endorsement. Our Committeemen O'Shea proved to be completely classless to take a shot at Andy's family in his speech at Fran's party.
O'Shea is an ass for taking a shot at one of his own. Quite arrogant if you ask me. Anyone that does anything for O'Shea after last night needs to have their head examined.
I'm getting mixed reports about what exactly did MATT OSHEA say about the HODOROWICZ family last night. Would someone please fill me in on the whole story. Feel free to email me if you want.
While Hurley managed to get 55% or so...that is not impressive for a machine candidate !! Now is the time to get more involved...the tea party web site has training videos online...time to get out of your comfort zone...turn your anger toward something proactive...I am starting my online training tonight...(I kept a rag mailer from the proabortion group supporting Fran and put it on my fridge to look at). We need to talk to our private sector union friends and point out to them how bad Obama has been for union workers (govt workers excepted)....Obama is the ENEMY of the home building and real estate industries...he HATES them because they tend to be more conservative....if you are a city employee afraid of blow back then hook up with suburban groups and do your work out there!!
Sadly, last night's election put to rest any myth that existed about the 19th Ward being a pro-life community. By voting in an anti-life extremist with a majority, the 19th Ward has embraced the culture of death.
I agree. Why go to church on Sunday at all anymore..why bother even pretending you care about the right to life of the unborn. You dont need to. The Catholic church groups will invite you to speak and fawn all over you regardless. Fran is a disgrace to our community. And dont be fooled for one second. EVERY active 19th Ward democrat in their organization is now a liberal pro-abortion Dem. They want to have their cake and eat it too. I cannot remember the last time I heard any sermon about abortion. All I can say is that we should not just let these people off the hook. Instead of being nice to them at County Fair or wherever...maybe we should mention to them that we are terribly disappointed in their views and maybe ask them how they can hug their kids at night, and receive communion on Sunday all the while supporting the most vile act of subhuman behavior - killing one's own offspring...sickening. Our Irish ancestors would spit in your eye
Actually, the derogatory remark was made about Frankie H. He is now a bad guy because he exercised his right to free speech and helped his brother run for office. Can you imagine the kind of asshole he would be if he didn't help his brother. I think Frankie H should run against Matty O next time.
The Hodorowicz family did allot for the 19th ward over the years. Now they are being treated like ingreats? I dont think thats going to fly. Maybe it's time for Matthew OShea is issue a public apology to the family just like he issued a public mf in on Tuesday night.
I pulled a republican ballot to start showing the entrenched democrates that we're pissed. No way was "machine" going down on a primary. That's my point. Show them in the only way they understand . On the ballot. But good points are also being made with the tea party groups around. I am a municipal worker and am sick of getting blamed for all the crap that's wrong. Middle management is huge and these are the political hacks that are sinking the city. No leadership just looking for any way to nail you. Keep the comment coming and ideas fresh. We can do this.
Its a damn shame that we have to vote with our values down here as the most f'in important thing. When are we going to stop being so backwards and start voting for our interests?
I'm f'in furious at my neighbors. The coppers on my block voted republican. most of the CFD guys forgot to vote.
and I saw my DAD'S precinct captain at the polls. They had to dig DEEP to win this one. We want change in the politics of the leadership in the community? keep running someone against em. They're weak.
Anyone know the guys working for Tony? I spent a couple hours knocking on doors for Tony in March with my union, and these guys get it. Even if they're "outsiders" the white kid understands how to get people fired up. Maybe someone should get find them guys and get them to run an independent against Fran before november...
You know, I was wondering about precinct captains. I haven't seen one in years. I've never had anyone at my door in the 8 yrs. I've lived in this house, didn't think we had them anymore.
Waterbill............If you are a municipal worker and voting Republican, you are voting to hurt yourself and your fellow workers. The right wing has one goal, and that is to blame all of our countries problems on the working class. Waterbill, YOU are that working class. Stop voting against your best interests.
Spoken like a true-blue koolaid drinkin union leftist ! Look at who is cracking down on looney union rules and perks.....your sainted Democrats !! Uber liberal govenment unions spend millions on Democrats who get into office and then do their bidding...and I do mean bidding...bidding up their incomes through their control over spending and taxes...they give the money they just robbed from taxPAYERS back to the unions who launder it back to the Democrats by way of robbing their own rank and file through their union dues...Less than 10% of American workers are unionized. Many union members are Republican whether lefties like yourself want to admit it or not. Since the far left Obama has been in office the housing industry, and all those union jobs have disappeared. Who is truly for the "working man" ? Not Obama and his job strangling regulations...everywhere I turn another Obama board up...those boarded up businesses are the graves of jobs LOST under his administration....
For Anon at 10.14 AM: Please get the picture and share it with your friends. There are no democrats and republicans as we knew them. They are all the same now. Beholden and subservient to lobbyists and corporations. Both groups could care less about the middle class.
Anonymous: You need to shut off Fox News. The housing bubble like the tech bubble has been the blame for both parties. Such as Robert Rubin pushing Bill Clinton to deregulate the banking industries. Whats the phrase to big to fail. The tarp program was started under President Bush. Every presidents wants to say that home ownership was at the highest under their term. So, The president has inherited this mess from previous administrations who were afraid to pay the bill. Look at the damage Allan Greenspan did with the Fed while he was in charge. By the way hope you like working as a greeter in Wal Mart. Hows that working for you. The day people become informed. This country will be better off for it. So Mr Anonymous of 12:14PM. Shut off Fox News. Turn on, say the USA feed for BBC world wide. Turn on PBS watch credible TV!
If you look at the AFL-CIO web site, their own web site, you will see striking similiarities to the Communist Party web site. I am not being sarcastic. Do it. You will see. Obama is a socialist if not a marxist. His Mother used to argue socialism and atheism at college. Her parents (Obama's grandparents who virtually raised him), were committed Socialists. They introduced him to Communist journalist and poet, Frank Marshall Davis by his grandparents in order to give him a black role model..He was good friends with Bill Ayers, a radical who tried to blow up a police station and was more than just "a neighbor of his". Obama began his political career in Bill Ayer's living room among his closest associates. He ran for office first in the "New Democratic Party", which was a socialist party, not the Democratic Party. No jobs, $5 gas, 20% food inflation, strangling regulations are killing the average guy ! Even unemployment in the African American community is hugely above the national average.....p.s. PBS is dramatically slanted to the left. Every pipe smoking know it all liberal I ever met listens...
Mine and all other unions blindly followed the democratic party right into this toilet we are now in. What I want to say is lets vote for the person we can afford to have in that particular office. Yes I know all the dribble about the republicans wanting to break unions, how about the clown in city hall now. The teachers were just offered .4 % raise a year for 5 years. That's right .4%. Last time I checked rahm was a democrate. Again we need to leave the old worm out phrases from years ago. Now is the time to get both party's working for us.
Hurley won. What a joke. Time to switch up your signs and vote republican. Those of you who chose not to vote can blame yourselves.
ReplyDeleteThe real winner here is Pickleman
ReplyDeletePickle lost. He backed that blowhard Tony. Tony tried to go negative and that was his mistake because he was weak on the issues and even his own record. His advisors really aren't that good and fed him bs. The only real person in the race was that Hodorowicz guy but nobaody real looked at what he had to offer or his experience. The race was deflected by the two frontrunners exchanging jabs and should have focused on who could really serve the 35th District. The presidential race had a lot to do with this outcome because people are upset with the economy and the democratic party. Again, a strong base won and unless the powers to be increase that base by extending true deomractic values the base will shrink.
ReplyDeleteTo all of you disgruntled police and fire or any other government or union workers, please remember what happened in Wisconsin last year. You may not be happy with Fran Hurley as your state rep, but if you want to protect your pensions you should still vote for her. A vote for the Republican is a vote against YOUR best interest.
ReplyDeleteUnless your the private citizen paying those pensions. Where do you think the $$$$'s come from? How long do you think this con game can last? Your pensions aren't safe because Illinois is broke. You may keep dreaming of sitting beside the lake as the checks roll in, but it aint gonna happen. Checkmate. Game over.
DeleteWay to go citizens of little Ireland! Instead of voting for someone with real experience and an Irish fireman you people elect a political hack and loyal lapdog for the democrat machine. Perhaps too much inbreeding in Beverly/mt. Greenwood. Just like in the 13th ward, you people are loyal to a fault.
ReplyDeleteWay to go citizens of litlle Ireland! In stead of voting for an Irish fireman with experience managing money you people elect a political hack and loyal lapdog for the democratic machine. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Perhaps too much inbreeding in Mt Greenwood Heights and Beverly? Just like in the 13th ward you people are loyal to a fault.
ReplyDeleteTaking shots at the Irish and cpd/cfd in the 19th Ward on this blog is really unwarranted. The people on this blog are actually fighting the good fight against these classless political hacks....we DID go and vote....we DID work against them...there are just too many people afraid of their jobs and afraid of being socially ostracized...it is a tall order to overcome...But we are a movement that has not even begun to fight!! One good outcome is that the Dems are still running everything...and running it into the ground...the state is on the brink of insolvency...and when that happens...and it will happen suddenly like it did with the US govt...they will be to blame. I just wish it would not have to come to that for real "change"
DeleteThere have never been shot taken at the Irish, CPF or CFD on this blog. Never will happen.
DeleteI pulled a republican ballot and was announced for all to hear . I noticed all dem tickets were NOT announced but so what. Now as residents of this ward we must act. We can make a difference and must show the established crooks we mean business. We can take back our ward it will take time and effort. We should push for an open forum of the candidates. Where do they stand on issues. We don't need them to hold our hands through life just represent OUR wishes. If we truely want our ward back we have some serious work to do. Any and all ideas should be welcomed. Together we can do this.
ReplyDeleteForget it, the 19th ward, Chicago, and Crook County are lost. The proof is in the pudding when you see your life long neighbors on Bell with "2012" Obummer stickers on their car. Too many sell outs retiring on the hard work of their neighbors. Time to cut and run, then watch from the sidelines as the Illinois debt drama unfolds.
DeleteMy democratic ballot was called out @ Donnellan's.
DeleteIn November, Fran will be on the ballot with Barack Obama. That's gonna hurt her bad.
ReplyDeleteIts amazing on how people thinking that voting republican is the answer. Be informed. Both of
ReplyDeletethe parties are waging war on the middle class. Look at Tiny Dancer, Precwinkle, et al.
Do you honestly thinking by pulling a republican ticket is the answer? Willard aka: Mitt is all for
making the union worker the bad guy. As he recently stated, " i am for legislation making
right to work a federal law" I will explain right to work. THAT MEANS YOU GET PAID NOTHING. So go vote republican and kiss more of the middle class goodbye. So, be informed.
Andy H. ran the cleanest and the best campaign. I was proud to vote for him.
ReplyDeleteAndy Hodo is a nice guy and comes from a great family. His father and brother have been 19th ward captains forever and gave both time and money to the organization. It is a shame that nobody was included in the selection process . Therefore, we ended up with an inferior candidate who seems clueless. Unfortunately , Hodo didn't have the time or money to mount a serious campaign but he did get the Trib endorsement. Our Committeemen O'Shea proved to be completely classless to take a shot at Andy's family in his speech at Fran's party.
DeleteO'Shea is an ass for taking a shot at one of his own. Quite arrogant if you ask me. Anyone that does anything for O'Shea after last night needs to have their head examined.
DeleteIt is true that these people are in general classless. Fran went on and on one day to me telling me how crazy Dr. Anne Schaible was - no class
DeleteI'm getting mixed reports about what exactly did MATT OSHEA say about the HODOROWICZ family last night. Would someone please fill me in on the whole story. Feel free to email me if you want.
ReplyDeleteWhile Hurley managed to get 55% or so...that is not impressive for a machine candidate !! Now is the time to get more involved...the tea party web site has training videos online...time to get out of your comfort zone...turn your anger toward something proactive...I am starting my online training tonight...(I kept a rag mailer from the proabortion group supporting Fran and put it on my fridge to look at). We need to talk to our private sector union friends and point out to them how bad Obama has been for union workers (govt workers excepted)....Obama is the ENEMY of the home building and real estate industries...he HATES them because they tend to be more conservative....if you are a city employee afraid of blow back then hook up with suburban groups and do your work out there!!
ReplyDeleteSadly, last night's election put to rest any myth that existed about the 19th Ward being a pro-life community. By voting in an anti-life extremist with a majority, the 19th Ward has embraced the culture of death.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Why go to church on Sunday at all anymore..why bother even pretending you care about the right to life of the unborn. You dont need to. The Catholic church groups will invite you to speak and fawn all over you regardless. Fran is a disgrace to our community. And dont be fooled for one second. EVERY active 19th Ward democrat in their organization is now a liberal pro-abortion Dem. They want to have their cake and eat it too.
DeleteI cannot remember the last time I heard any sermon about abortion. All I can say is that we should not just let these people off the hook. Instead of being nice to them at County Fair or wherever...maybe we should mention to them that we are terribly disappointed in their views and maybe ask them how they can hug their kids at night, and receive communion on Sunday all the while supporting the most vile act of subhuman behavior - killing one's own offspring...sickening. Our Irish ancestors would spit in your eye
Actually, the derogatory remark was made about Frankie H. He is now a bad guy because he exercised his right to free speech and helped his brother run for office. Can you imagine the kind of asshole he would be if he didn't help his brother. I think Frankie H should run against Matty O next time.
ReplyDeleteThe Hodorowicz family did allot for the 19th ward over the years. Now they are being treated like ingreats? I dont think thats going to fly. Maybe it's time for Matthew OShea is issue a public apology to the family just like he issued a public mf in on Tuesday night.
ReplyDeletewhats so bad about andy anyway
ReplyDeleteI pulled a republican ballot to start showing the entrenched democrates that we're pissed. No way was "machine" going down on a primary. That's my point. Show them in the only way they understand . On the ballot. But good points are also being made with the tea party groups around. I am a municipal worker and am sick of getting blamed for all the crap that's wrong. Middle management is huge and these are the political hacks that are sinking the city. No leadership just looking for any way to nail you. Keep the comment coming and ideas fresh. We can do this.
ReplyDeleteIts a damn shame that we have to vote with our values down here as the most f'in important thing. When are we going to stop being so backwards and start voting for our interests?
ReplyDeleteI'm f'in furious at my neighbors. The coppers on my block voted republican. most of the CFD guys forgot to vote.
and I saw my DAD'S precinct captain at the polls. They had to dig DEEP to win this one. We want change in the politics of the leadership in the community? keep running someone against em. They're weak.
Anyone know the guys working for Tony? I spent a couple hours knocking on doors for Tony in March with my union, and these guys get it. Even if they're "outsiders" the white kid understands how to get people fired up. Maybe someone should get find them guys and get them to run an independent against Fran before november...
You know, I was wondering about precinct captains. I haven't seen one in years. I've never had anyone at my door in the 8 yrs. I've lived in this house, didn't think we had them anymore.
DeleteWaterbill............If you are a municipal worker and voting Republican, you are voting to hurt yourself and your fellow workers. The right wing has one goal, and that is to blame all of our countries problems on the working class. Waterbill, YOU are that working class. Stop voting against your best interests.
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a true-blue koolaid drinkin union leftist ! Look at who is cracking down on looney union rules and perks.....your sainted Democrats !! Uber liberal govenment unions spend millions on Democrats who get into office and then do their bidding...and I do mean bidding...bidding up their incomes through their control over spending and taxes...they give the money they just robbed from taxPAYERS back to the unions who launder it back to the Democrats by way of robbing their own rank and file through their union dues...Less than 10% of American workers are unionized. Many union members are Republican whether lefties like yourself want to admit it or not. Since the far left Obama has been in office the housing industry, and all those union jobs have disappeared. Who is truly for the "working man" ? Not Obama and his job strangling regulations...everywhere I turn another Obama board up...those boarded up businesses are the graves of jobs LOST under his administration....
DeleteFor Anon at 10.14 AM: Please get the picture and share it with your friends. There are no democrats and republicans as we knew them. They are all the same now. Beholden and subservient to lobbyists and corporations. Both groups could care less about the middle class.
ReplyDeleteYou need to shut off Fox News. The housing bubble like the tech bubble
has been the blame for both parties. Such as Robert Rubin pushing Bill
Clinton to deregulate the banking industries. Whats the phrase to big to fail. The tarp program was started under President Bush. Every presidents wants to say that home ownership was at the highest under their term. So, The president has inherited this mess from previous administrations who were afraid to pay the bill. Look at the damage Allan Greenspan did with the Fed while he was in charge.
By the way hope you like working as a greeter in Wal Mart. Hows that working for you. The day people become informed. This country will be better off for it. So Mr Anonymous of 12:14PM. Shut off Fox News. Turn on, say the USA feed for BBC world wide. Turn on PBS watch credible TV!
If you look at the AFL-CIO web site, their own web site, you will see striking similiarities to the Communist Party web site. I am not being sarcastic. Do it. You will see. Obama is a socialist if not a marxist. His Mother used to argue socialism and atheism at college. Her parents (Obama's grandparents who virtually raised him), were committed Socialists. They introduced him to Communist journalist and poet, Frank Marshall Davis by his grandparents in order to give him a black role model..He was good friends with Bill Ayers, a radical who tried to blow up a police station and was more than just "a neighbor of his". Obama began his political career in Bill Ayer's living room among his closest associates. He ran for office first in the "New Democratic Party", which was a socialist party, not the Democratic Party. No jobs, $5 gas, 20% food inflation, strangling regulations are killing the average guy ! Even unemployment in the African American community is hugely above the national average.....p.s. PBS is dramatically slanted to the left. Every pipe smoking know it all liberal I ever met listens...
ReplyDeleteMine and all other unions blindly followed the democratic party right into this toilet we are now in. What I want to say is lets vote for the person we can afford to have in that particular office. Yes I know all the dribble about the republicans wanting to break unions, how about the clown in city hall now. The teachers were just offered .4 % raise a year for 5 years. That's right .4%. Last time I checked rahm was a democrate. Again we need to leave the old worm out phrases from years ago. Now is the time to get both party's working for us.