Thursday, December 26, 2024

Man Uses Software to Show Obama’s Birth Certificate is Fake!


  1. Anonymous12/26/2024

    Pretty sure everyone knew Obozo's birth cert. was fake back in 2008.

    Still no word on when everything he signed, and the federal judiciary and SCOTUS appointments he made will be overturned as moot.

    Ditto for Slow Joe.

  2. No need. The Race box says he's "African". In '61, they'd say Negro. No such thing as an African race.

  3. Anonymous12/26/2024

    Anyone with a brain knows he was a Manchurian Candidate and never born in the USA. The MSM gave him cover. If it was Trump they would have done a deep dive and he would never have elected. Obama was and still is a con man, liar and race hustler.

  4. There was a forensic evaluation of Obama's "birth certificate" when it was first released. However, because of who did it and the fact that the same conclusions as are in this bit were reached, the MSM spiked the story. To recap, Obama is not a natuarally-born citizen of the US by any stretch of the definition, and nothing that he signed as President (laws, treaties, Executive Orders) is legal or valid. Add this to the questions surrounding the Biden pResidency, and it seems that the only legal American President in the last two decades has been Trump...
