Monday, July 1, 2024

Who were the Black Irish?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7/02/2024

    Black Irish according to what people told me when I was over there 4 times are as follows.

    Milesians (Irish)
    The Milesians represent the Irish people. They are Gaels who sail to Ireland from Iberia (Hispania) after spending hundreds of years travelling the Earth.

    Spanish who imigrated to Ireland from Spain and who have almost olive skin (my mother) . IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SPANISH ARMADA. The Spanish who imigrated to Ireland came ashore in Waterford. They were millers of the grain. This according to Tour guides we spoke with in Ireland.

    Remember, when talking Irish History and traditions stay away fro Mt Greenwood Irish that have never traveled out of Cook County and dont really know much about Ireland. The Mt Greenwood type when they do finally get to Ireland if they do want to find the best Corned Beef in Ireland. (they dont have corned beef in Ireland!)
