Saturday, July 13, 2024

Biden is surrounded by ‘idiots’: Gov. Kristi Noem


  1. Anonymous7/14/2024

    and it shows...........

  2. Anonymous7/15/2024

    Biden has dementia and is incapable of leading America. The border crisis is an example of his incompetent leadership. The deficit spending is another example. The debate was an embarrassment and should not have taken place because it demonstrated elder abuse of a sick man with dementia. The politicians who are requiring him to stay on the job are in denial and ignorant about symptoms of dementia.

  3. Anonymous7/15/2024

    President Biden has dementia and needs to retire. The politicians can stay in denial, but the people are very upset over an incompetent president running our great America.

    Dementia can start as early as age 40s depending on how the body is treated. Alcoholics are examples of how they have ruined their brain at an early age. Kidney problems causes brain disfunction because they are responsible for filtering our blood that flows to the brain. Hardening of kidney arteries can cause dementia because blood flow to the brain is disrupted. Hormonal problems can cause dementia. Heart attacks can cause dementia. Strokes can cause dementia. Constant stress and high blood pressure can cause dementia. Old age can cause dementia. Inherited genes can cause dementia. Side effects of certain prescription drugs can cause dementia. Certain health problems can cause dementia. Do the research.

    Our school system should include medical literacy courses in the curriculum to help youngsters understand how to treat their bodies to prevent numerous illnesses as the aging process begins at age 30s. They should learn that food is medicine and excessive amounts can cause numerous health problems while not enough of certain foods will also cause health problems.

  4. Anonymous7/22/2024

    President Biden finally accepted the diagnosis of dementia and decided to step down. It is my understanding that an incompetent person should not be allowed to select his replacement to take over the most important job that affects the lives millions of people. In fact, his vp allowed him to make numerous mistakes, condoned all of his errors, and should resign along with
    him instead of receiving a promotion to become the President. That’s pathetic! I question her judgment and competence.

  5. Anonymous7/27/2024

    Biden has been suffering from dementia for a few years while politicians were focused on politics and getting rich. Hackers have been crashing into hospital records and AT&T stealing our information and creating fake accounts.

    I received numerous bills from Medicare for Covid vaccinations that I never received because I never had those bogus shots. Therefore I participated in assisting Medicare to recover lots of money from bogus clinics located in Illinois and other states that had a copy of my information, yet I never visited those towns. Some deceased people were billed for Covid vaccinations.

    I closed my bank account and returned to using money orders and cash because I no longer trust the hackers of computers.

    Another problem regarding the open border crisis involves lots of migrant women shopping in malls, riding buses, and sleeping in cars with newborn babies. That is totally unAmerican for innocent babies to be treated that badly. Pregnant women are released from clinics and walking or riding the bus after delivering a baby. That’s primitive.

  6. Anonymous7/28/2024

    Black African American women are waiting for their turn to become president of the great United States of America because our black parents have been struggling to make America great since their arrival in Virginia during before 1619. We are waiting for our prayers to be answered. It is our turn! We know and love America!
