Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Chicago spending money on Reparations Task Force

the city is still recovering from Beetlejuice and mayor johnson wants spend whatever he can on the concept of reparations


  1. Anonymous6/18/2024

    Slavery took place all over the planet and no one received reparations. The Russians had slaves, the Irish were slaves, the Jews were slaves waiting for Moses to save them, the African Americans were slaves, and the list goes on. My great grandparents were Virginia slaves and my grandmother was born in 1890 as was baby number 15 because her mother, a slave had the first baby at age 10.
    Booker Taliaferro Washington of Virginia was born in 1856 and died in 1915, encouraged freed slaves to self-educate and become business owners. He impressed rich business owners and politicians to reach out to freed slaves and provide books, schools, equipment, etc. for self training and literacy. Learning vocational education and trades were the norm thanks to Booker T Washington. Women were provided with sewing machines and training to allow them to make clothing and interior decorating items for income. Men were taught building trades, auto mechanics, landscaping, etc. Schools also taught home economics that taught food preparation, food chemistry, catering, and so on. All of my family and neighbors were self employed because that was the norm during that era. Businesses were operated in your home. Mothers always had a piano in the house and taught music lessons. Accountants did business from home. Cooks sold foods. Vegetables and fruits were sold from trucks. Seafood was sold by order, candies and cakes were sold from home, and so on. To date items are sold online which causes a lot of people to have too much time to sit idle and get depressed.
    Gangs are stealing merchandise and selling online to people all over the world.
    Black people need another Booker Taliaferro Washington to help black people to get out of their uncaring and hopelessness attitude that’s causing them to turn their frustration against each other. It takes an extremely madman to gun down a person and not feel sad.

  2. the City's pensions are @ $30 Million short and he's dreaming up ways to give money away. Get away

  3. Anonymous6/18/2024

    Again, I'm all for Reparations just like the Japanese Americans that got reparations.
    The Japanese got reparations only to the ones that were locked up.Not to their estates or next of kin.

  4. Anonymous6/18/2024

    Another democrat scam to steal tax payer dollars.

  5. Anonymous6/19/2024

    I am fed up with discussions about slavery. My great grandfather was a Virginia slave and great grandmother was a slave in South Carolina and a Geechie. My grandmother was born in 1890, and discussed how her parents and siblings relocated to Louisiana to start a new life of freedom. We never discussed slavery and were advised to use our energy to learn everything available to become well-trained to be able to earn a living to prevent becoming another slave. We were called colored and negroes, and never called African for obvious reasons.
    Booker T Washington was highly respected and able to appeal to wealthy businessmen and politicians to reach out to freed people who provided books, schools, equipment, training, employment, and and so on to aid in a life of freedom. All free people worked together to help each other. All of my people owned their own business and hired neighbors. Owning a business was emphasized because free people had to build their living environment, communities, schools, recreation, foods, healthcare, and so on. Wealthy Jews were called a blessing because they reached out to provide educational materials, equipment, employment, etc. Spiegel’s group helped. Sears Roebuck group helped. Rockefeller, and many wealthy businessmen along with wealthy politicians helped.

    During a crisis where too many people are in dire need of help, the best way to solve that crisis is to call on the highly skilled, wealthy group, and so on to donate services, equipment, manpower, expertise, leadership, training, education, and so on to bring about needed change. Handing a sum of money to certain individuals will not solve the problems because they will spend the money and the problem will continue to exist.
