Sunday, June 23, 2024

Chicago Mayor Johnson is a Fool

Brandon Johnson is a creature of welfare. Expect nothing positive from him.


  1. Anonymous6/24/2024

    The mayor stated that we were going to work together and build a great Chicago. We cannot work together if he plans to bring up the terrible times of slavery and how black people suffered for years, and how Hitler killed thousands of Jews during the holocaust, and how the Italians were treated, and how the Irish were treated by the British, and so on. Everyone will want reparations and will start fighting each other to bring about another race riot and civil war.

    I am praying for black people to stop self hatred and black on black murder that we have to hear about every day. Too much money is wasted on legal fees and police officers because of high crime among black people that could be used for better living conditions.

    Our freedom is taken away because we are afraid to walk in our neighborhoods because of high crime, and the mayor is talking about reparations because of slavery that ended in 1865. I hope he is okay because reparations for slaves who died many years ago will never happen.

  2. Anonymous6/26/2024

    Former slaves were happy to be free and looked forward to becoming dignified and self sufficient members of society to enjoy life similar to the way their masters lived. They were trained to work together during slavery and brought that way of life to practice during freedom.

    They appreciated the help received by the wealthy to help to build neighborhoods, get housing, an education, healthcare, and guidance, however they did not want charity payments nor welfare. They wanted to forget about their terrible experience as slaves and become known as an upscale or elite or a dignified group of people of color. Read the history about the life of people of color.

    Today we have dignified black people who refuse charity because they want to be respected as hard workers, high achievers, and self-made individuals. They would not accept reparations because they have moved forward in life and don’t want to go back to the negativity of slavery. They don’t murder each other, nor falsely accuse each other of crimes they did not commit to seek revenge or for jealousy; they don’t become teachers of black children only for the income but refuse to get certified to provide a quality education to move them out of poverty; they don’t create slum neighborhoods because they give the impression that all black people are lazy and don’t appreciate quality living standards; they don’t neglect their children because they want to be known as great parents with great children; they don’t find joy witnessing the failures of black people because it makes all of us look bad. The majority of black people are great, religious, upstanding, very intelligent, honest, loving, proud, and every positive you can list. Do the research.

  3. Anonymous6/26/2024

    I am fed up with how our government allows people to be medically illiterate by not requiring schools to teach students how food is medicine that contains chemicals to prevent many health problems and that too much of those chemicals are toxic and cause health problems that require excess prescription drugs with dangerous side effects. Farmers should be trained on the use of harmful pesticides and genetically modified foods that’s causing certain health problems that harms the population. Knowledge of nutrition and food science will save consumers a lot of money by preventing illnesses and costly health coverage premiums and prescription drugs. The government would save money because Medicare expenditures would be reduced.

    Children who are nutritionally knowledgeable are healthy and better learners because they have healthy brains that function properly with good reasoning, memory, and positive behavior. Nutritionally knowledgeable adults live longer and healthy lives and have well-nourished children.

    A healthy body can fight viruses and diseases without constant injections of vaccines that are advertised on a daily basis. Get medically and nutritionally educated and save your money for something else. Do the research. Improve education.
