Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Are We Headed to World War 3?


  1. Anonymous6/19/2024

    According to You Tube...Every day and twice on Sunday for the last 3 years.

  2. Anonymous6/20/2024

    We don’t need another war because it would be a total disaster and pathetic. Peace is the solution and those guys need to grow up and start acting like adults. Stop killing each other. Stop using our resources to destroy our planet. Pray for peace!

  3. Anonymous6/22/2024

    We don’t need to add another war to our list of negativity and stresses. To date we are trying to cope with the changes in our lifestyles that the fake virus caused our downtown businesses and shopping centers to close because of required isolation and fear of being near each other.
    Our students are addicted to social media and have less interest in learning. Violence is getting out of hand. Killing the unborn, engaging in wars, murders on a daily basis, using dangerous drugs, etc. seems to be more important than caring about human life.

    We used to enjoy getting dressed and visiting downtown department stores to shop and dine. Thanks to online shopping and Amazon, our stores are closed, our fashionable outfits consist of wearing underwear and sloppy outfits because dressing for success no longer exists. Downtown businesses will be replaced with low income apartments and unsightly streets.

    We need to bring about positive change by advertising and focusing on introducing positive change. Get people to bring back pride in appearance and great health. Advertise self teaching and job training. Encourage in store shopping to create jobs. Make more items in America. Encourage walking for fitness and less reliance on cars for better health, less pollution, saving money on fuel, etc.
    Encourage pride in our environment to prevent pollution and slums, and so on.
