Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Mayor Johnson IN OVER HIS HEAD


  1. Anonymous5/23/2024

    The mayor is doing a good job. If certain blacks who engage in criminal activities would grow up and join the human race, Chicago will be a great city for all.

  2. Anonymous5/23/2024

    Notice how these "Mr Johnson is over his head" videos are getting to be a daily post?

  3. Anonymous5/23/2024

    Beyond incompetent.

  4. Anonymous5/25/2024

    The young mayor has a lot of work to do because there are more needy people than he anticipated. There are pregnant black women who are diagnosed with eclampsia and are very upset because no one ever explained that type of health problem to them. They did not use their brain and internet to ask the computer to explain the symptoms and definition of eclampsia and high blood pressure during pregnancy. They blame lack of knowledge on racism. I blame lack of knowledge about the body and health on a culture of laziness because there are books, the internet, courses, workshops, prenatal care, science courses in kindergarten to college, and so on that covers health problems that pregnant women have suffered since the beginning of women on planet earth.

    There are numerous students who are complaining because of the lack of qualified STEM teachers in black and Latino schools. The mayor has to find the teachers by offering incentives to motivate them to teach in needed schools. Mississippi offers cars and down payments on housing to certified STEM teachers. Elderly mayor Daley during the 1960s refused to allow uncertified teachers to teach in high schools and called all uncertified teachers full time basis substitutes and they received lower wages with no raises to motivate them to become certified. It worked! They studied and became certified.

    Summer is near and youngsters are looking for employment. Teens enjoy working in retail, tutoring, teaching music lessons, learning crafts, building model doll houses to sell for Christmas, learning to remodel apartments and housing, learning to paint walls, learning to sew clothes, work in construction, learn to tile flooring, landscaping and gardening, car wash, cosmetology, and so on.

    The retired elderly teachers usually tutor youngsters in math, reading, music, crafts, art, and so on. If all people work together and help each other, more money will be available to make Chicago a better place for all.

  5. Anonymous5/29/2024

    Lots of migrants are opening up different businesses to accommodate the huge number of foreigners entering this country on a daily basis. There are companies that provide many medical services for a small fee. There are tutoring services that teach every language a person is interested in learning. There are STEM tutors online or in person. There are businesses that teach sewing, crafts, alterations, and any skill of interest. There are barbers, beauticians, fitness trainers, and so on opening businesses to accommodate the millions of migrants and their pregnant women. Business is booming in many states.

  6. Anonymous5/31/2024

    Had a talk with a group of young migrants who were complaining about the American food making them sick and lack of energy and memory. I asked about their knowledge of nutrition guidelines for amounts of daily protein, calories, fiber, calcium, vitamin A foods, potassium, and magnesium, and they stated that they never heard about those guidelines and wanted to learn.
    Note that the majority of black and most nonwhite people in America are totally nutritionally illiterate which causes most of the costly health problems, learning problems, mental illness, high crime, violence, cancers, and so on because of their inadequate diet.
    Note that food is medicine for the body with numerous vitamins and minerals whereby too much is poison and too little is inadequate. For example, all green vegetables contain vitamin K that keeps our blood thick to prevent hemorrhages. However if you eat too many green vegetables you will have blood clots and the doctor will prescribe prescription blood thinners. If you don’t eat any vitamin K vegetables you will have very thin blood and excessive bleeding and prescribed medication to thicken the blood.
    Potassium foods provide electricity for our muscles. Not enough potassium each day causes numerous health problems because the heart muscle cannot pump adequately without needed amounts of potassium. The brain and all activities in the body need electricity. One medium banana has about 420 milligrams of potassium. The daily requirement of potassium is 3,500 milligrams daily for most adults and a little less for children and elderly. Those engaged in sports need to hire nutritionists or dietitians to prevent heart problems caused by inadequate electrolytes.
    The point is for all people to become nutritionally literate to prevent the numerous problems in society. Provide printed handouts if necessary. Include nutrition education in the curriculum. Lots of dementia is caused by inadequate nutrition. Same for cancer.

  7. Anonymous6/05/2024

    We learned that slavery ended in 1865 when all black slaves in America were illiterate and had to get together and teach each other reading, writing, arithmetic, health care, and everything needed for survival. We are in a similar situation today where people need to work together and teach themselves the necessary skills to qualify for high tech employment, medical self help to prevent overuse of prescription drugs, medical self help to prevent numerous cancers, and so on. Use your energy to help each other instead of aiding in the demise of our people. Self teach as the slaves did in 1865 when they were free to learn.

  8. Anonymous6/05/2024

    We learned that slavery ended in 1865 when all black slaves in America were illiterate and had to get together and teach each other reading, writing, arithmetic, health care, and everything needed for survival. We are in a similar situation today where people need to work together and teach themselves the necessary skills to qualify for high tech employment, medical self help to prevent overuse of prescription drugs, medical self help to prevent numerous cancers, and so on. Use your energy to help each other instead of aiding in the demise of our people. Self teach as the slaves did in 1865 when they were free to learn.

  9. Anonymous6/16/2024

    Slavery ended in 1865 and young Booker T Washington was so happy to be free to learn until he walked miles daily to school after completing his job on the farm. During his teenage he impressed rich Jews and businesses to donate books and educational materials to help freed slaves to self educate and thrive. Medical books were available for medical self help reference. In 1899 the Merck Medical Reference Manual was published and sold all over the world and was written in numerous languages.
    My grandmother purchased a copy of the Merck Manual in 1918 when my mother was born and taught herself health care and lived to age 98. I started reading the Merck Manual at age 10 and will celebrate age 88 next month. I purchased copies of the Merck Golden Edition last week and donated them to high school and college students who were extremely grateful. The Merck is also on the internet. Become medically literate! Help yourself!

  10. Anonymous6/23/2024

    Too many people are having heart disease, dementia, kidney failure, cancer, etc. It is time for schools to teach children how to eat healthy to prevent taking prescription drugs because their side effects can cause you to have a list of diseases that you did not have.

    Prescription drugs that treat high blood pressure can cause low blood pressure that can cause a stroke or heart attack, plus liver and kidney failure, plus eyesight problems, and so on.

    Using drugs, drinking alcohol, daily caffeine, excess sweets, processed foods, inadequate hydration, inadequate nutrition, and stress will cause the health problems that keeps producers of prescription drugs the richest companies on earth.

    I eat a diet similar to what our cousin the great apes eat. If the apes don’t eat it, I don’t eat it. Teach children how to treat the body to prevent diseases.
