Monday, March 4, 2024

Supreme Court ruling keeps Trump on Colorado ballot

The nation’s high court reversed a Colorado Supreme Court decision to knock Trump from that state’s ballot.



  1. Anonymous3/04/2024


  2. Anonymous3/05/2024

    The marxist left already starting their BS with calls for the court to be either dissolved or packed with libtard justices.

  3. Anonymous3/06/2024

    If the 19th warders who watch this site want to help the election I suggest you look into volunteering in Wisconsin our nearest neighbor that is a swing state...DJT "lost" Wisconsin in 2020 by less than 20k votes! We could turn Wisconsin red this year....since Illinois is a lost cause best to put our resources into helping get the vote out for DT where it can do some good. That is my plan. Remember how awful it was to see them kick DT around last time? It is time to get involved!! Let's go!
