Thursday, March 14, 2024

Chicago Mayor Lies To African Americans About The Migrant Crisis ...Regret


  1. Anonymous3/14/2024

    Democrat Party replacing African Americans with illegal aliens.

  2. Anonymous3/16/2024

    hey brandon hows it feel to be worse then lori

  3. Anonymous3/17/2024

    It is time for all Americans to work together and help each other to be the best we can be because all people are great and have a lot to contribute for a better life.
    Teach all children the necessary skills to allow them to contribute to the greatness philosophy to save our planet and bring about safety and peace for all.

    Stop producing dangerous weapons and poisonous foods and drugs that cause the brain and our body systems to explode. Focus more on people instead of profit.

    Our skin is a part of our immune system that’s provided to protect us from harm and should not be used as a weapon to punish or mistreat each other. All skin colors are beautiful. It is time to stop the madness. Stop teaching madness to children that causes them to feel inferior.

  4. Anonymous3/19/2024

    The migrants are all over America and are welcomed in many states and cities. They are working in retail, lawn care, home building, teaching, health care, and wherever jobs are available. They are creating jobs by opening their own businesses to supply services for their fellow migrants.

    Black people who are affected by migrants are the uneducated, unskilled, unemployed, and low income Americans. Therefore the best way to fight for back is to self educate, learn new skills, get a job, and increase income with side jobs and services because complaining and threats against the system is a waste of energy.
