Wednesday, March 6, 2024

320K Illegal Migrants Secretly Flown and Dropped in Interior of US


  1. Anonymous3/07/2024

    Another 25th Amendment violation!!

  2. Anonymous3/10/2024

    We are not supposed to call migrants or foreigners entering through the southern border illegals because it is an incorrect term. However when I decided to cruise to Brazil for a vacation, I was warned that if I did not have a Visa that I would not be able to get off the ship and put my feet on Brazil’s soil and would be arrested if I did not comply. I have always traveled abroad with a passport as required and a Visa if necessary..

    This situation that’s occurring in America with the foreigners walking into cities requesting food, clothing, shelter, education, cash cards, health care, employment, and whatever they desire would not be tolerated in any other country on our planet. We are supposed to apply for citizenship or else we are illegals is my understanding.
