Thursday, February 1, 2024

WOKERS Blame Walgreens Closure On RACISM!

theft was not a factor


  1. Anonymous2/01/2024

    So if a store closure because of rampant theft and other crimes is "racist," then doesn't making the DIRECT connection between theft/crime and black people make YOU the racist?

  2. Anonymous2/01/2024

    Walgreens is a business that’s set up to make a profit, it is not set up to stay in business simply to make customers happy. Therefore if there are no profits made and only losses in that location, the business will close. Protesting is a waste of time. Unfortunately lots of minority communities have a difficult time keeping businesses in their communities because most of the customers are low income and may have shoplifting problems.
    The solution is to improve the community by offering job training programs, tutoring centers for youth, job placement, online shopping, self employment training, and so on to improve living conditions.

  3. Anonymous2/02/2024

    The CVS at 103rd and Kedzie closed month or two back. Now there are 2 other CVSes located within a mile of that location to offset that loss.. My friend asked the manager working at checkout why they were closing, her response, “Crime.”.

  4. Anonymous2/04/2024

    We are living in the era of technology where we can sit in a comfortable place and teach ourselves anything we would like to learn to be able to get a job or become self employed to increase income. Yet we have too many poor and uneducated people who are always complaining and protesting because companies close their businesses because of low profits caused by low income customers. Grow up!

  5. Anonymous2/04/2024

    All due to democrat policies.

  6. Anonymous2/17/2024

    Don’t blame all problems on the democrats, blame conditions that cause businesses to close on low profits that may be caused by higher prices that are unaffordable or thefts.
