Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Mayor Johnson went to the Grammys last night


got his hair done at a Beverly Hills salon on Saturday afternoon so he was nice and pretty

caught the red eye back to Chicago early this morning


  1. Anonymous2/05/2024

    Remember the parade is in a few weeks we will all have to get in line again to kiss their pinky rings and tell them the great job they all are doing. You know the game the good sheep always follow orders no matter how bad they destroy our city and families

  2. Anonymous2/05/2024

    in a few weeks it’ll be parade day again then we will all line the streets again to clap and cheer for our great great politicians, and then at the end of the parade route. We will kneel down on one knee and kiss their pinky rings again and tell them all to keep up the good great job they are doing for the City Of Chicago And the State Of Illinois

  3. Anonymous2/06/2024

    Mayor Johnson should check his daily diet and add vitamin A foods to strengthen his eyes to improve his eyesight because those eyeglasses must go. The required amount is 900 micrograms for males, 700 for females, 300-600 for children and adolescents of vitamin A foods daily for eyes, skin, hair, hearing, nails, immune system health, prevent dry eyes, night blindness. Ask the internet to list the 20 popular vitamin A foods. Note that one cup of baked sweet potato contains 1,920 micrograms of vitamin A activity which is too much and can be toxic. Measure the appropriate amounts required.
    All parents and teachers should be required to complete courses in nutrition education to prevent health problems and over use of purchasing vitamins and drugs because whatever you need for good health is in the foods.

  4. Anonymous2/06/2024

    How is that city business???

    1. Anonymous2/08/2024

      The mayor’s eyesight and strong immune system is city business!

  5. Anonymous2/07/2024

    Perhaps Mayor Johnson wanted to take a break from the stress of trying to solve the problems facing him in Chicago and different strategies to use to bring about change.

    The crime caused by juveniles may be reduced if his team would develop the Learning For Living style of training programs where students learn skills they can use to deal effectively with the challenges of every day life. The world has changed from the old days when mom was the homemaker and dad was the provider. Today youngsters are left alone to care for themselves because mom is busy with her career and dad may not be a part of the family. Children are getting their social, emotional, educational, and parenting skills from their peers, the internet, the gang leaders, social media, and so on. It isn’t easy growing up in today’s world. Too many youngsters don’t have the skills needed to become well-adjusted healthy adults. Research indicates that the more training a young person has, the less likely he or she is to engage in risky behaviors like illicit drug use, alcohol abuse, violence, teen pregnancy, sexual activity, criminal activities, suicide, and so on.

    Learning for Living training includes youth programs, self-esteem, school engagement, planning and decision making, restraint, time management, service to others, hobbies, sense of purpose, positive peer influence, role modeling, commitment to learning, responsibilities, career planning, creative activities, honesty, interpersonal competence, nutrition for healthy living, reading for pleasure, peaceful conflict resolution, positive view of personal future, caring for neighborhoods, caring for each other, understanding how the body works, and so on. Youngsters will have the opportunity to input and discuss their interests and goals.
    Adults should be aware that children observe how we dress, how we carry ourselves, how we treat our bodies, how we treat each other, our neighborhoods, and so on because we are their role models, they learn from us. The mayor nor the police are not able to parent our children to prevent crime. It takes all of us to help children.

  6. Anonymous2/07/2024

    On line learning is emphasized to allow students to become expertise in any subject or career of interest by using the internet to teach themselves. Artificial Intelligence has motivated students and employees to engage in online learning to be able to change careers whenever necessary to prepare themselves for numerous changes in the workplace. The world of work has changed and requires the ability of employees to learn new skills.

  7. Anonymous2/07/2024

    But can't be bothered to go to the border....I see....

  8. Anonymous2/12/2024

    Traditional schooling for many youngsters is not working because the crime rate among that group is out of hand in America. Perhaps reform schools and boot camps with emphasis on job training taught by professionals should be an option to reduce youth crime. Students would be required to stay at the camps until training is completed. Nutritious meals plus room and board would be provided along with adult supervision. Emphasis on positive behavior, role modeling, and becoming a respectful adult would be reinforced.
    Something must be done because too many parents are neglecting their children and are not raising them properly that’s causing an out of control crime rate in American cities. We are living in fear of gun violence which is pathetic because children should not be in possession of guns.

  9. Anonymous2/20/2024

    Bring back vocational education to teach skills like sewing clothes, tailoring, knitting, crocheting, house repairs, house painting, landscaping, foods, gardening, auto repairs, cosmetology, floor tile installation, electrical wiring, building trades, owning a business, and so on. Too many youngsters are sitting around playing games online instead of learning how to become self supporting by the time they are18 year old adults and expecting mommy to support them.

    My grandmother was daughter of freed slaves, had a fifth grade education, purchased sewing books, a sewing machine, and taught herself how to make clothes, curtains, bedspreads, draperies, sofa covers, etc. and became owner of her own business. She taught my mother the skills and she became a business owner. She started teaching me the trade when I was age six. At age 17, I was hired as a seamstress for Jews who owed a cleaners and was able to pay my own college education and rent an apartment. In addition to learning crafts, I was introduced to food science and nutrition to prevent illness and helped to prepare family meals.
    That’s the way children should be treated because they want to learn to be independent and not dependent. All kids love music and a piano keyboard in the home with music lessons is a great gift to keep them out of trouble and engaged in learning to earn a living. They should be able to plan meals, shop for groceries, cook dinner for working parents, and enjoy meals together when parents arrive home from work each evening. We call that team work and family planning. They should have part-time jobs and full time employment at the adult age of 18 after completing high school. They should have expertise medical and nutritional training on how the body works and how to care for it because at age 18 many young adults get married and start families. Science is taught in American schools beginning from kindergarten through high school and therefore all students should be expertise in how the body works to prevent illnesses and early death with nutrition which is a part of vocational education.

    The best way to prevent crime is to educate the children!

    1. Anonymous2/22/2024

      and have a father in the house

  10. Anonymous2/21/2024

    And e thought Lightfoot was stupid?

  11. Anonymous2/21/2024

    almost sounds another funded flunky of a billionaire marxist. hello kimmy
