Friday, February 2, 2024

Chicago Mayor Makes Empty Promise to Protect Students After 2nd shooting...

the meds are working


  1. Anonymous2/02/2024

    Black on black hatred is a problem that the mayor does not have the power to solve. A group of little white preschoolers told a little black preschooler that she was nothing but chocolate trash and would never be anything but trash because she was chocolate and they were going to be great because they were vanilla as they showed their little hand. The little black girl looked at her hand and said she was going to be great and told the white girls that were not going to be anything either because they were not vanilla, they were peachy as she pointed to a vanilla color of ice cream. Upon meeting a little black girl in the park, the little black child told the little black girl to get away from her because she was chocolate and would never be anything.
    Therefore too many children of color have internalized that racist negativity and are unable to let it go. It is sad that such nonsense is taught to babies by their parents. In addition, too many black adults are telling black children that they cannot learn complex subjects because they are black.
    Send undercover educators into black schools and observe how black children are educated. Visit certain black communities and see how they live. All people must work together and end racism on our planet in order to live in peace.

  2. Anonymous2/03/2024

    The only solution to stop the black on black hatred is to stop the hatred and negativity against black people and practice equality for all people. For example, Mayor Johnson demonstrated unconscious racism against black people when he unilaterally decided to take taxpayers money and use it to meet the needs of migrants while the needs of black citizens were ignored. All humans should be treated equally by their leaders. Migrants should not be required to leave their country and risk death to find a meal while their leaders neglect their duty to provide for the people. Leaders should work together to solve human suffering.
    Society must work together to bring about a theme of love sweet love to wipe out all hatred on our planet because the police on every corner cannot prevent humans from destroying each other. Wars are not the solution. Guns are not the solution. Sending all black people to Africa is not the solution. We must get hatred out of our way of life and practice love of humans as we live together. Help each other because adults are guilty of teaching hatred to children who practice what we teach.

  3. Anonymous2/04/2024

    He wont do what needs to be done.

  4. Anonymous2/05/2024

    he could always be a human shield, he isnt a leader

  5. Anonymous2/06/2024

    Parents need to receive training on how to raise their children to prevent the mental illness that causes them to form and join gangs, to become murderers, delinquents, and so on because police officers are not God nor robots who can solve all of society’s crimes. People should learn how to avoid becoming victims to prevent most crimes. Children should be taught that it is not necessary to purchase everything advertised because sellers want to get rich and often sell unnecessary junk. Teach the basic needs to children which are food, clothing, and shelter, and how to make and grow items of need. Too much emphasis on materialism causes high crime among youth. Parents are to be blamed for causing high crime in society because precious babies depend on parents to guide them to become outstanding adults.

  6. Anonymous2/06/2024

    Schools are totally unprotected. No real armed presense. No hardened exterior and interior construtction.

  7. Anonymous2/06/2024

    Lots of black students have dropped out of public schools because retired teachers are boring them with out of date information and methods of teaching.

    There is a teacher shortage because young teachers require higher income for meeting the requirements for this era of STEM, business, Artificial Intelligence, and so on as well as enough income to pay off student loans, purchase housing, get married, start a family, etc.

    Prepare a questionnaire and find out why youngsters are dissatisfied with schools, the economy, and other issues. Get their input.

  8. Anonymous2/08/2024

    Gangs are in public schools and require students to join. Millions of parents home school their children for many reasons and safety is at the top of the list. There are Chinese gangs, Latino gangs, African American gangs, Italian gangs, and so on that promise to protect their students. It is necessary to have police presence inside and around schools whether working undercover or not.
    Gangs are tech savvy and do their controlling using social media, text messaging, etc.
    Parents are busy working that requires traveling long hours to and from work and have no idea of what their children are doing while they are home alone. As a result you have high crime among youth. The mayor has to plan ways to reach neglected youth to reduce the crime rate. Parents have to provide safety methods to prevent their children from becoming victims. Neighbors need to reach out and help to keep their communities safe. Businesses need to offer more jobs for youth. Churches need to offer more programs and hobbies.
    Students need to get involved with helping their communities to become a safe place to live. Retired teachers need to help youngsters by donating educational materials, equipment, tutoring, sewing lessons, crafts, music equipment, etc. to neighborhood youth to reach out and help. It takes all of us to have a safe place to live.

  9. Anonymous2/09/2024

    Parents should guide children to become law abiding citizens and stop allowing stolen merchandise to be brought into their homes. Adults need to stop purchasing stolen merchandise. It takes all people to work together to have a peaceful society. The madness must stop! We must stop ruining our planet with unnecessary junk that requires land filling.
