Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Michelle Obama Wants To RUN For PRESIDENT In 2024!


  1. Anonymous1/11/2024

    America needs experienced experts with a background as a governor of a successful state or an outstanding political leader with a superb business resume. Mrs. Obama does not have that type of background that’s needed to make America a great country for all people of all races. We are headed for an economic depression and civil unrest.

  2. Anonymous1/11/2024

    We have had enough of the Obamas! Please find a hobby!

  3. Anonymous1/11/2024

    Who really thinks it is a woman???

  4. Anonymous1/12/2024

    Tell Mrs Obama to enjoy her retirement and allow the experts to help America to became a better place for all people.

  5. Anonymous1/12/2024

    Obummer was trained in Russia.......

  6. Anonymous1/13/2024

    bad move! the mooch even lost its privledge to be a lawyer disbarred in disgrace. plus its too lazy to be president among other things
