Thursday, January 4, 2024

If we have an election


Michelle Obama White House ‘coup’ likely underway, Peter Navarro says

Former Trump administration adviser Peter Navarro claims a “coup” is underway to put former First Lady Michelle Obama in the White House, replacing President Joe Biden on the November ballot.

Navarro warns that all signs point to Biden being replaced as the Democrats’ 2024 candidate. The mediais quick to write off Navarro’s warning as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s obvious Biden is not the best choice Democrats have for 2024 — and they know it.

“President Biden will not be on the November ballot. With each new Biden family revelation and new poll finding Donald Trump will beat Mr. Biden like a drum, the inevitability of Mr. Biden stepping aside grows,” Navarro wrote in The Washington Times.

“Yet Mr. Biden will not step aside before the end of the Democratic primary season. Instead, without real opposition, Mr. Biden will be poised to accept his coronation at the Democratic National Convention in August in Chicago,” he continued in his op-ed.

Navarro contends that Democrat strategists are actively plotting a Biden coup and that it is part and parcel of a winning November strategy. The theory seems to be gaining traction.

“In this case, by avoiding a hotly contested Democratic primary cycle with numerous candidates trying to out-‘woke’ one another, the eventual ticket that runs in November will not be burdened with extreme positions in a primary campaign anathema to the American center,” he asserted.

The former adviser claims that Biden will be forced to step down and will walk away with a storied legacy as well as pardons to keep himself and his family out of prison.

“On the legacy front, Democratic strategists will confront Mr. Biden with the reality that if he gets trounced in the general election by Mr. Trump — as polls say he will surely win — Mr. Biden’s place in history will be beside Jimmy Carter as the most hapless president of the modern era,” Navarro said.

“If Mr. Biden still resists this pressure, key leaders within his party and the legacy media will take Mr. Biden down and thereby clear the path for a fresh ticket. They fear a new Trump presidency as surely as Brutus put the knife to Caesar,” he colorfully wrote.

He goes on to write that Biden will wait until after the election and November and before he resigns to pardon Hunter Biden and his brother. Then he will allegedly step down before inauguration day and Vice President Kamala Harris will pardon him. Harris will then follow her boss out the door.

Navarro is predicting a Michelle Obama-Gavin Newsom ticket for the Democrats.

He’s not alone in predicting Michelle Obama could step into the political fray either.

“Michelle will be expected to bring back the Black vote, particularly Black women, now running for the exit from Mr. Biden. She will also appeal to the more moderate elements of the Democratic Party who remember with revisionist history fondness the mediocre presidency of Barack Obama,” he explained in his piece.

“Mr. Newsom will be a youthful face. The California governor’s broad mission will be to ensure no progressive defections to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or millennial or Generation Z defections to either Mr. Trump or Mr. Kennedy,” Navarro stated.

He warned that Republicans must expose the anticipated coup early on to expose the duplicity of the Democrats.

Navarro also said, that “voters must be messaged to separate any positive feelings about Michelle Obama from the reality of an Obama presidency that was a hot mess on everything from the economy to foreign policy. The mantra: The highly unpopular ‘Bidenomics’ is fruit of the poisonous ‘Obamanomics’ tree.”

He also advised that Newsom has to be outed as the “poster boy of the ‘woke’ progressive movement.”

Navarro wrapped up his article, stating, “Middle America, where the median voter lives, is sick to death over the takeover of this country by radical Democratic progressives destroying everything from our economy, society and political system to, most dangerously, our borders and national security.”

“For a Republican win, Democratic strategists must not be allowed to obscure the hot, steaming policy excrement of a ‘woke’ policy agenda inside a fancy moderate Michelle Obama wrapping,” he admonished.


  1. Jimmy Carter is hanging in there waiting for the msm to admit that pedo joe is way worst than he was.

  2. Anonymous1/04/2024

    First gay "transgender" traitor candidate?

  3. Anonymous1/05/2024

    Michelle Obama is not interested in taking on the job of trying to make America a great country.

  4. Anonymous1/07/2024

    $20 bucks says it has a winky!
