Tuesday, January 2, 2024

600,000 Migrants in Chicago by June 2024!

RECORD-BREAKING 300K Migrants Processed At Border In December 23!


  1. Anonymous1/03/2024


  2. Anonymous1/04/2024

    The migrants risk death to live in America, yet they are too lazy and disrespectful to learn to speak English.

  3. Anonymous1/05/2024

    I have a problem with foreigners who refuse to learn to speak English.

  4. Anonymous1/06/2024

    Migrants are mature adults who should have completed high school and a few years of college or acquired job skills, yet they are arriving in a foreign country broke and acting like helpless children begging for basic needs. Mayors are welcoming the needy migrants and prioritizing their needs over the Americans who are taxpayers and ignored. We have a crisis in America which is high crime, low income, homelessness, mental illness, inadequate healthcare, inadequate education, and so on. Migrants are adding to the American problem that will cause an economic depression.

  5. Anonymous1/17/2024

    Migrants and immigrants are from countries where they have the internet, televisions, social media, and everything available to be aware of what’s going on in the United States, yet they are surprised that they need to bring money, coats, boots, toiletries, food, and other necessities as they walk across the borders illegally looking for freebies. The mayors of welcoming cities are contributing to the downfall of their cities and are expecting all taxpayers to pay for their mistakes. It looks like no money is arriving from the federal government. Send illegals back to their country and require them to apply for citizenship the correct way.

  6. Anonymous1/19/2024

    Why bother to work and pay taxes while the mayor believes that it is okay to take the taxpayers money and support broke migrants who are waiting for freebies. Perhaps all people should sit and relax while they wait for the mayor to get additional funds from the federal government to give to all broke citizens. Youngsters are learning that everything is free and the government will provide your basic needs and wants if you sit and wait. This summer you will find millions of migrants arriving to welcoming cities to get their freebies while America will become a chaotic and broke place to live.
