Saturday, December 30, 2023

Mysterious Death of Reporter Dorothy Kilgallen & the JFK Assassination


  1. Anonymous12/31/2023

    "Please watch this twice"

    Then you will have no more questions about the JFK assassination. You'll be enriched and realize that every thing before this was one big Fairy Tail written be J. Edgar Hoover. Things like Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK blind folded with 3 shots. He shot Officer Tibbets over his shoulder with a mirror.

    And boys and girls if you are good and watch this video I'll post some more links from the LBJ library that say things like J. Edgar Hoover wrote the Warren Commission Report single handed in less than 10 days after the assassination.

    JFK Grassy Knoll Shooter- Full Interview- Low-level CIA/Chicago Mob affiliated hit-man- 2003

  2. Anonymous1/03/2024

    I'd be curious what you think?
