Saturday, December 23, 2023

Atlanta Aspiring JUDGE Found GUILTY Of $7 Million PPP Loan!


  1. Anonymous12/24/2023

    Atlanta business lady thought she could outsmart the government, and for a while she did. Who know they woukd have checks and balances later.
    Legitimately I was sue money for unpaid rent, but did not get it because rules were nearly impossible to follow. Tenant had to go on line and file their own papers about unpaid rent in addition to landlord doing it. Some tenants did not have a computer and many did not care if landlord didn’t get paid because they were told they couldn’t be evicted. With one tenant I filed but when she filed she attempted to get additional unwarranted payments of rent, so when our numbers didn’t match I was denied. You almost had to be very good at lying in order to get that money. As a result of my being too scared to lie, I lost thousands of dollars in unpaid rent.

  2. Anonymous12/24/2023

    It’s unfortunate Atlanta business lady went over board with lies to obtain millions; whereas, legitimately landlords like me were due money they could not get. Tenants had to file on line to verify the money was owed landlords. Many did not have a computer or was not computer literate to scan documents into the computer. Other tenants didn’t care if the landlord wasn’t paid because they were told they could not be evicted.
    The process was unfair to landlords who lost thousands of dollars in unpaid rents.
