Monday, November 6, 2023

Shootings are out of control!


At least 35 people were shot, seven of them fatally, during the weekend in Mayor Brandon Johnson’s (D) Chicago.

Breitbart News noted 12 people were shot during a two hour time-frame stretching from 11 p.m. Saturday until 1 a.m. Sunday. Three of those shooting victims succumbed to their wounds.

By Monday morning, ABC 7 / Chicago Sun-Times reported the total number of shooting victims was at least 35, with four additional shooting fatalities.

Two of the four additional shooting fatalities were discovered Saturday morning around 1:10 a.m., when the bodies of two men were found in a red SUV “in the 3100 block of West 39th Place.” One of the men had been shot in the head and the other had been shot in the body numerous times.

A 32-year-old man on a motorcycle was shot around 4:30 p.m. Saturday. He was riding his motorcycle ” 4900 block of South Honore Street” when someone in the vehicle next to him opened fire, shooting him multiple times.

A 30-year-old man was shot and killed in a drive-by incident around 1:15 a.m. Sunday. He was standing “in the 300 block of East 59th Street” when someone inside a black sedan opened fire on him.

The Sun-Times‘ database on Chicago homicides indicates 505 people were killed in Chicago January 1, 2023, through November 5, 2023.


  1. Anonymous11/06/2023

    Democrats out of control

  2. Anonymous11/07/2023

    We are living in a world where murdering of humans is a way of solving conflicts. Children learn that behavior from movies and news about wars where thousands of people are slaughtered and cities are bombed and the winner is the hero. Humans can be as cruel as animals.

  3. Anonymous11/07/2023

    Have been for decades!!

  4. Anonymous11/09/2023

    What could the real problem be????

  5. Anonymous11/11/2023

    Killers are under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, street drugs, caffeine, sugar, chemicals in foods, and abuse of the body that causes the brain to malfunction and kill without a reason.
