Wednesday, October 11, 2023

"tax businesses and the wealthy"? Not going to happen....cut that sh-t out

Mayor Brandon Johnson gives budget address — here’s what to know on how he’ll spend on migrants, crime, mental health
The $16.6 billion 2024 city budget Mayor Brandon Johnson unveiled Wednesday will “begin the critical investments necessary” to deliver on his campaign slogan to “build a better, stronger Chicago.” Supporters also must wait to shift the tax burden to businesses and wealthy Chicagoans.
By Fran Spielman

Mayor Brandon Johnson, shown delivering his 2024 budget address to the Chicago City Council on Wednesday.

Ashlee Rezin/Sun-Times

Mayor Brandon Johnson campaigned on a promise to deliver Chicago from violent crime by making $1 billion worth of “investments in people” bankrolled by $800 million in new or increased taxes that level the playing field between the haves and have-nots.

His supporters will have to settle for a down payment on the spending front. And they’ll need to wait a while for the tax burden to be shifted to businesses and wealthy Chicagoans.

The $16.6 billion 2024 city budget Johnson presented to the City Council Wednesday will only “begin the critical investments necessary” to deliver on Johnson’s campaign slogan to “build a better, stronger Chicago.”

There’s funding to open just two of the city’s six shuttered mental health clinics — and those will be in existing Health Department facilities, to keep costs down.

A pilot program that frees Chicago police officers from responding to mental health emergencies will be expanded, though not enough to provide the citywide alternative Johnson promised.

Young people will get 4,000 more “employment opportunities,” bringing the grand total to 28,000 summer jobs — down 4,000 from 2019 and far short of Johnson’s promise to double the number of summer jobs for young people and make those employment opportunities year-round.

The bottom line, as Johnson was first to admit, is it will take time to “right this ship.”

“What I present here today is just our first step…The 2024 budget is a down payment on this administration’s priorities to empower people—especially young people — through economic and employment opportunities,” Johnson told the City Council during a 41-minute speech interrupted repeatedly by applause.

“This is how we begin to make transformative change in the lives of our young people — change that we will build upon with future budgets. … All of our investments — in youth, education, housing, mental health and environmental justice — layered together and continued over the years — will fulfill the promise of a better, stronger, safer Chicago.”

A protest by patients and advocates outside the Woodlawn Mental Health Clinic in 2012, when then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel closed the city’s six mental health clinics. Mayor Brandon Johnson promised to reopen all of them, but his first budget falls short of that mark, with funding for two.

Sun-Times file photo

Holding the line on property taxes and no increase in hotel room tax

On the tax front, Johnson’s supporters also must be patient.

He’s delivering on his campaign promise to hold the line on property taxes and eliminate the automatic escalator that would have increased property taxes to match the rate of inflation.

But he’s not proposing any increases in home rule taxes.

Working class Chicagoans must wait for Johnson to try and level the playing field that, the mayor claims is so tilted in favor of the rich and powerful, Chicago families earning $25,000 had a “total tax burden” 33% higher than a family with a $150,000 income.

“We must do better. That is why this budget holds the line on property taxes, fines and fees and why we will be working with all stakeholders to create revenue that weans us from our addiction to the regressive taxation pushing so many of our working families out of the city,” Johnson said, apparently referring to taxes on services and financial transactions, just to name a few, that need General Assembly approval.

Senior mayoral adviser Jason Lee was asked why Johnson didn’t increase the city’s 4.5% tax on hotel rooms or impose a tax on digital advertising, as recommended by the Action Center on Race & the Economy and the Peoples’ Unity Platform.

“We’re in the process of doing the real estate transfer [tax increases] to create a permanent source of funding for the unhoused. That’s cycling through the Council as we speak. That’s a major addition,” Lee, in line for an 18% pay raise to $183,804-a-year, told the Sun-Times.

“We just established a revenue committee in City Council. ... The business community actually wants to participate. They have some ideas. We’re actually in a good place. ... The mayor kind of laying that out ... has compelled many people to realize he was right. We do need sustainable revenue and they need to participate with ideas.”
Johnson managing shortfall with short-term fixes

With a $538 million shortfall that’s growing with every arriving busload of migrants, Johnson was hard-pressed to deliver on any of his campaign promises.

The migrant crisis expected to cost the city $363 million by Dec. 31 was “created by right-wing extremists threatened by our values” and “bent on sowing chaos and division in our city,” the mayor said.

But he managed to erase the shortfall, maintain Chicago’s status as a “sanctuary city” and still deliver for his progressive supporters — even as federal COVID relief funds were drying up — by relying on the same one-time revenues Chicago mayors have used for years to postpone the day of reckoning.

He declared a tax-increment-financing surplus that’s the highest Chicago has had in fifteen years. By closing out five TIF’s, he’s generating $49.5 million for the city and more than twice that amount for the Chicago Public Schools.

The city will once again re-fund city bonds, this time to generate $89.2 million and carry over $50 million from last year’s unspent balance.

There also will be $41.5 million in “personnel savings” — presumably from closing out vacant positions, but Budget Director Annette Guzman refused to say where those jobs would be eliminated or whether any are among the 1,700 police vacancies.

The Johnson administration is relying on “improved revenue projections” to generate $186.8 million and stronger “revenue enforcement collections” to add $35 million.

The $16.6 billion plan is $200 million higher than the 2023 budget, which served as Lori Lightfoot’s failed re-election platform. Even as federal stimulus funds dry up, Johnson’s plan includes 311 new positions and an overall city workforce of 36,729, the highest in years. The budget for the mayor’s office ballooned under Lightfoot and increases again under Johnson — this time, by $913,202.

Members of the Chicago City Council listen on Wednesday as Mayor Brandon Johnson delivers his 2024 budget address.

Ashlee Rezin/Sun-Times

How Johnson plans to deliver on campaign promises

During a virtual briefing with reporters Tuesday, Guzman outlined $26.6 million worth of “new investments” that will serve as a down payment on Johnson’s formidable campaign promises. In addition to a $303 million “pension pre-payment” and $53 million for lead pipe replacement, the budget includes:
“Re-imagining public safety” by adding 398 civilian positions to the Chicago Police Department; creating 440 “promotional opportunities”; adding 100 detectives; returning 70 patrol officers currently assigned to the Office of Public Safety Administration to street duty; and adding “data analytic support” to evaluate police and fire response times.
Creating a stand-alone Department of Environment with an annual budget of $900,000.
Bolstering funding by roughly $2.5 million for the Bureaus of Forestry and Rodent Control.
Creating an Office of New Arrivals within the Department of Family and Support Services, adding staff at the Office of Emergency Management and Communications and bolstering funding for homeless shelters and “wrap-around services by $6.8 million.”

Creating a Department of Innovation and Technology by removing those all-important functions from the Department of Assets, Information and Services.
A $600,000 increase for the Office of Labor Standards to better enforce an array of workforce protections already approved by the City Council or in the works.
Will Johnson cut CPD funding?

A key question leading up to Wednesday was whether Johnson would cut any of the 1,700 police vacancies — or instead honor his campaign promise to cut “not one dollar” from the Chicago Police Department’s $1.94 billion budget.

Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th), the Zoning chair who doubles as Johnson’s floor leader, said the answer is “no” — and he’s not disappointed. He understands why there’s a “slight increase” in the CPD budget instead.

“When the city of Chicago voted for the new FOP contract, that effectively tied the hands of any administration when it came to determining the size” of the police budget, he said.

“But this budget makes the types of investments in the root causes of crime that we’ve been asking for for a very long time,” he said, such as “expanding the non-police, first-responder pilot so that more communities can have a mental health [professional] responding to 911 calls when someone is in distress and it’s a non-violent incident.”

A top mayoral aide pointed to the shifted from sworn officers to civilian positions.

“We’ve made adjustments to help with the consent decree. We’re shifting resources into civilian jobs. Promotional opportunities create opportunities for people to be promoted from within” the aide said, without saying whether sworn officers promoted to detective or other ranks would be replaced.

Chicago Police Department rookies at their graduation ceremony in June at Navy Pier.

Anthony Vazquez/Sun-Times

Will Johnson’s progressive supporters grow restless?

Although Johnson’s first budget makes only a down payment on his lofty campaign promises, Lee said he isn’t concerned about trying the patience of progressive supporters.

After electing the most progressive mayor in Chicago history, Lee firmly believes Johnson’s liberal base will be realistic about the political power of the possible.

“People always want as much as they can get. That’s human nature. But I think most people are patient. They know that we didn’t get here in a year. We got here over a matter of decades with some of the challenges this mayor was elected to address,” Lee said.

“When you’re trying to pivot a big ship like the city of Chicago, you have to begin to turn in the right direction before you just zoom full speed ahead.”

Ramirez-Rosa said he expects smooth sailing in the Council after two weeks of budget hearings and plenty of debate.

“There’s no question that this is a great budget that really reflects our city’s progressive and liberal values. It’s a balanced budget that isn’t balanced on the backs of working-class Chicagoan,” the floor leader said.

Ramirez-Rosa said he’s known since the outset that many progressive revenues Johnson championed “required Springfield to take action.” Without legislative action, the new mayor had “limited options.”

“But progressives have always asked for an increase in TIF surplus. We’ve always said, ‘Before you raise taxes on working class people, look to TIF to help balance the budget,’” Ramirez-Rosa said.

“The largest TIF surplus in history is a progressive measure that is protecting working-class Chicagoans while ensuring that the city is able to continue to invest in the things that make our neighborhoods great.”

That communist rhetoric may sell on the west side but it doesn't sell on Astor St. If you want to keep what you have, quit talking.  Remember that Lake Forest, Oak Brook and Naperville is an easy ride. Taxpayers have options.


  1. Anonymous10/11/2023

    Too much energy and money is focused on taking care of migrants at the expense of suffering residents of Chicago and other cities. It bothers me that the migrants had a lot of time to learn to speak English before they decided to arrive illegally through the swamps and enter the border.
    They should return to their country and find solutions to build a better life because the money is not available to fulfill their dreams of luxury in America.

  2. Anonymous10/11/2023

    Fine example of how school teachers aren't experts in economics and finance either . Just like their lawyer buddies.

    1. Anonymous10/15/2023

      Common sense should tell the young mayor that Chicago cannot provide for the world. He is not God.

  3. Anonymous10/11/2023

    The money allocated to spend on migrants should be utilized to improve services for citizens of Chicago. Venezuela has trillions in natural resources that can allow their government do a better job of providing for their people. Send migrants home because you have a crisis in Chicago that needs healing. Be realistic!

  4. Anonymous10/12/2023

    Perhaps the mayor is not aware of the crisis in America where there is an out of control crime rate, too many uneducated and unskilled young people who are engaged in crimes against citizens, a high black on black murder rate, numerous homeless Americans sleeping in the streets, numerous drug addicted, alcoholic and mentally ill individuals, unsafe neighborhoods where people are living in fear of leaving their homes , disrespect for police officers, and so on, yet such devotion is going to migrants who are coming to America penniless, unskilled, unable to speak English, and sleeping in police stations or wherever for a better life which is a myth. All resources should be focused on improving conditions for American citizens before trying to save the world.
    Before I decide to move to another location for a better life, I save some money, pack needed clothes, research the crime rate, type of businesses for jobs, the school system, cost of living, and so on to assure myself of a better life or else I would stay home. Unfortunately the migrants made a bad decision coming to America to sleep in streets, airports, and police stations without adequate hygiene, nutrition, clothing, and so on to enjoy a better life that’s worse than what they enjoyed in their homeland. Successful Americans worked hard to get where they are. Migrants have been looking at too many Hollywood movies and the mayor from the high crime part of Chicago is out of touch with reality because he cannot save the world with a few dollars.

  5. 'Tax businesses and the wealthy' always sounds good to lofos who take from society and vote for a living. None of them will ever figure out why everything costs so much more. Businesses and the wealthy do not pay the added taxes. No. They are forced to COLLECT the extra taxes. Win-win for the government. Don't waste your time trying to explain this to a lofo in the checkout line who's complaining about how much higher groceries are this month as she pays with an EBT card.

  6. Anonymous10/14/2023

    Duh. They are trying to collapse the United States. Thanks sotero
