Tuesday, October 31, 2023


refuses to criticize  Biden's border policy

City counting on state, federal funds to handle migrant crisis — or reserves could be at risk
A top official said Chicago could be forced to raid its reserves, even though that would almost certainly cause Wall Street rating agencies to reduce the bond rating, increasing how much it costs the city to borrow money.
By Fran Spielman
Oct 31, 2023, 1:12pm CDT

Chicago City Hall, with the Board of Trade building in the background.

Without a major infusion of state and federal funding for the migrant crisis, Chicago may have no choice but to raid its reserve funds, endangering the city’s bond rating, a top mayoral aide warned Tuesday.

Budget Director Annette Guzman brought up the reserve funds when asked where Mayor Brandon Johnson would turn first if the $150 million Johnson has earmarked for the care and feeding of asylum-seekers in 2024 runs out.

“The city has put forth a budget that includes the money that we are willing to contribute to this. But the city does have reserves and things like that, which we do not want to use because it does support other things within the city’s operations,” Guzman told the Sun-Times.

Guzman acknowledged raiding the reserves would almost certainly cause Wall Street rating agencies to reduce the bond rating, which determines city borrowing costs.

“Exactly, which is why we’re not willing to do that. But it is an option on the table,” Guzman said.

“At the time that half the year comes around — if we are in the same [go-it-alone] situation we are now — we will be back at the table discussing this with all stakeholders plus [City] Council as well as the mayor’s office.”

Chicago created short-, medium- and long-term reserve funds after former Mayor Richard M. Daley sold the Chicago Skyway and the city’s parking meters to private investors for a combined $2.98 billion.

Although the corporate fund was supposed to receive interest earnings only, Daley started raiding the parking meter fund in 2009 to subsidize his operating budget. Former Mayor Rahm Emanuel stopped that practice and amended the ordinance to prevent similar raids, then embarked on a multiyear plan to rebuild the parking meters reserves.

Against that backdrop, raiding the reserves would be financially perilous — but for Johnson, raising property taxes would be politically perilous.

He campaigned on a promise to hold the line on property taxes and honored that promise, forgoing $90 million in revenue that would have been generated by taking advantage of an automatic escalator his predecessor, former Mayor Lori Lightfoot, put in place to lock in annual property tax increases to match the rate of inflation.

Guzman was asked whether Johnson has options other than raising property taxes or raiding the reserves.

“I can’t think of anything [else] off the top of my head,” she said.

Questions about Johnson’s decision to earmark just $150 million for the migrant crisis in next year’s budget — as the city already spends more than $30 million a month — dominated Council budget hearings.

Alderpersons from across the city pressured the mayor’s budget team to identify “Plan B” after Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Illinois House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch slammed the door on more migrant funding during the fall veto session.

Senior mayoral adviser Jason Lee defended the lowball figure, insisting Chicago taxpayers have “no appetite” to shoulder the other half of the cost alone.

“Tell me the alderman who is standing up saying, ‘I want the city [to] pay $400 million or $500 million, and I would approve that budget.’ You can’t have it both ways,” Lee said.

The budget director wholeheartedly agreed.

“The City Council has said both — [that] there’s not enough money in this budget and there’s too much money in this budget for the migrant issue. And so there’s not even a consensus on the figure that the mayor has put forth,” she said.

Guzman said she does not believe Johnson’s urgent appeal for federal funds will fall on deaf ears, in part because of the political embarrassment President Joe Biden would suffer if he is renominated next summer in a city overwhelmed by the migrant crisis.

“It’s really important that we’re able to demonstrate how we can handle situations like this, because it goes to how we can lead — not only our city, but our country,” she said.

Once the Council approves the mayor’s budget, attention will turn to the urgent search for additional revenue — a task Johnson has punted to a subcommittee led by freshman Ald. William Hall (6th).

Guzman expects the options presented by that subcommittee to include broadening the sales tax umbrella to cover a host of professional services favored by the wealthy and business interests.

The idea has been talked about for decades, only to hit a dead end in Springfield.

But, Guzman said, “We’re in a place now where people are more open to this idea. We’ve seen the dramatic shift in how people purchase things. It’s shifted more now toward services over goods. … Sometimes, it’s all about timing. … I look at it as a way of sharing the burden more equitably.”


  1. Proud to be a Sanctuary City, you got what you wanted. Leave the Federal Taxpayers alone.

  2. Anonymous11/01/2023

    Epic Fail

  3. Anonymous11/02/2023

    it's ok.. wednesday he said not to worry..." it is not officaly winter yet ya'll"...

  4. Anonymous11/02/2023

    Extreme failure at work.

  5. Anonymous11/02/2023

    There are numerous homeless Americans who need urgent assistance, yet the focus is on the needs of migrants. There are young Americans who need employment, yet the focus is on getting jobs for migrants. Taxpayers are afraid to walk in their neighborhoods because of high crime, yet the mayor is going to DC to get funds for migrants.

  6. Anonymous11/03/2023

    While the mayor is focused on taking great care of migrants Americans are suffering from homelessness, poverty, mental illness, high crime, malnutrition, and so on and no one cares. Why not visit DC to get funds for solving poverty in America?

  7. Anonymous11/04/2023

    After January and some - 15 degrees F I bet a lot of imigrants are going to want out of Chicago and the North

  8. Anonymous11/04/2023

    The inexperienced mayor is asking for trouble because he is taking money from the poor American citizens to give to the poor migrant foreigners. He does not understand the nature of humans who fight back when they are deprived of needs to make unknown strangers happy. He plans to crowd a group of poor and uneducated migrants inside the community of poor and uneducated American citizens and expects peace and harmony to exist. He needs to listen to the people because hundreds of migrants are on their way to destroy Chicago to get their freebies for the holidays.

  9. Anonymous11/05/2023

    Migrants used poor judgment when they decided to leave Venezuela because of low wages and poverty to select Chicago where they will live on the floors of police stations, in tents, in parks, on the streets, have no income, have to beg for food, and may freeze to death when Chicago’s wind and temperatures reach far below zero. They should be ashamed of themselves for subjecting their innocent babies to that terrible experience that may be fatal. I would get the first flight back to sunny Venezuela and enjoy eating beans, rice, vegetables and earn low wages that would provide a bed and shelter away from tents on the ground.

  10. Anonymous11/06/2023

    The mayor decided to invite foreigners who decided upon themselves to sneak into America through open borders in order to get the opportunity to receive freebies, get a free education for their kids, get easy jobs, and enjoy life with their numerous friends. Now the mayor wants federal taxpayers to give him billions because he cannot meet the needs of all the poor foreigners from South America, the Caribbean islands, and so on that he welcomed into his city of numerous poor, broke, unemployed, homeless, uneducated, unskilled, criminals, gangbangers, and so on who are waiting for their needs to be met.
    He forgot that slaves were property brought to America to work for room and board in exchange for hard labor at 24 hour shifts to make the master rich and not receive pay…they were slaves.

    I don’t believe he will get much support from DC because no one forced him to fill his City with migrants, that was his choice. He knew how much money was available to manage Chicago before deciding to take on outsiders. Send the foreigners home before they starve and freeze to death. You are not rich!

  11. Anonymous11/08/2023

    You decided to be a sanctuary city and state and un vetted migrants from all over the planet are arriving through open borders to get their freebies and rob your businesses so they can sell goods online or send them to their country. Now you want the taxpayers to reimburse you for making a pathetic mistake because you did not realize what you were getting yourself into, that the money is not there, you cannot feed the world. Send them back to their country, cooperate with ICES, get rid of the illegals.
