Thursday, October 12, 2023

Nation Bracing for ‘Day of Jihad’

The world is bracing for what could be a very dangerous start to the weekend.

The leader of Hamas is calling for a Day of Global Jihad – urging Muslims around the world to rise up and wage war on Christians and Jews.

This in response to the ongoing war in the Middle East – which was started by Hamas terrorists – slaughtering hundreds of Israelis. Beheading babies. Burning children alive.

Congressman Andy Ogles, the Republican from Tennessee, cautioned Americans to be vigilant. He urged Americans to have extra food and water on hand. And he also urged Americans to be prepared to protect their families.

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Congressman Ogles said in this day and age – because of the policies of the Biden Administration – you have to have your head on a swivel. All that to say – it’s good to be cautious, but don’t be afraid.


  1. Anonymous10/13/2023

    Muslims pose the greatest threat to our western culture. They live in society but not with society. They refuse to integrate into our melting pot.

  2. Anonymous10/13/2023

    Ammo is life
