Monday, September 18, 2023

Dr. Kelly Victory: The new COVID-9 boosters are not safe.


  1. Anonymous9/18/2023

    Only democrats should take it.

  2. Anonymous9/18/2023

    Half truths

  3. Anonymous9/18/2023

    Neither was the original boosters.

  4. Anonymous9/19/2023

    Libtards need to pump as much of that crap into their bodies as possible.

  5. Anonymous9/19/2023

    Why take it when there are proven medical prophylactic and treatment options????

  6. Anonymous9/20/2023

    I did not get the Covid vaccination because I never believed that most people on planet earth caught a mysterious virus that came from a lab in China because of an animal or a bird. I follow nutrition education, eat healthy, don’t drink caffeinated beverages, nor alcohol, nor drugs, and engage in daily exercise, etc., and don’t need all those vaccinations because my immune system is strong enough to protect me from many diseases.
    The government should require all people to complete nutrition education to learn that food is medicine and how to eat to prevent illnesses and diseases to reduce the high cost of healthcare and the need for prescription drugs, as well as to increase longevity.

  7. Anonymous9/21/2023

    Good thing liberals are committed to the democrat party. Would be a shame if they checked the other side of the coin and discovered government mandated vaccines is a good way to trick liberals into committing suicide.

  8. Anonymous9/22/2023

    I bet $100 that lefty elites did not take the vaxx but are on ivermectin/zinc propholatic protocol.
