Saturday, September 2, 2023

Chicago Residents FURIOUS Over Migrant Camp...


  1. Anonymous9/02/2023

    When are they going to do more than talk to protect their neighborhood?

    1. Anonymous9/04/2023

      Never, its all bs.

  2. Anonymous9/02/2023

    Is it legal to house people in a police station on the floor of the entrance area? or is it a building code violation? Not zoned for r-1 r-2 etc?

  3. Anonymous9/03/2023

    Why, most of them voted for it.

  4. Anonymous9/04/2023

    Why would the black mayors make Chicago a sanctuary city and cause migrants to come in by the thousands knowing they could not accommodate them. Blame the mayors for the crisis.

  5. Anonymous9/05/2023

    Democrats voted for this

  6. Anonymous9/09/2023

    The young mayor is in a situation over his head because it is not the responsibility of Chicagoans to accommodate millions of broke, obese, unskilled, and unscreened foreigners. Either send them back to their country or demand reimbursement from the leaders of their country. Vote to change Chicago from a welcoming city before it is completely ruined. There are too many American citizens who are unskilled, homeless, unemployed, uneducated, poor, and mentally ill because of drug abuse, and so on who are neglected and need accommodations. Take care of them.
    The money wasted on tent cities should be used to accommodate citizens first by upgrading the public school system, by retraining teachers to do a better job of teaching science, technology, engineering, math and nutrition education. If you ask a student how much potassium or protein does the body need each day, they have no idea of what you are talking about. They don’t know which foods to eat to strengthen eyesight to prevent wearing eyeglasses. They don’t know that food is medicine and that they can eat the foods instead of buying the vitamins or the certain medication. There is a crisis in Chicago that the mayor is not qualified to handle. He is talking while the city is crumbling to ruins.

  7. Anonymous9/11/2023

    The young mayor has not thought about how the large number of migrant students will create additional problems for the public schools they will attend where there is a shortage of teachers, no books, no computers or internet access, inadequate food,, non English speaking students, health and sanitation issues, and so on.

    The gang and drug problems in the public schools have not been addressed, yet thousands of unscreened migrant teens will attend schools and have their own gangs and drug dealers.
    The mayor has his head in the sand.

  8. Anonymous9/11/2023

    Something is wrong with the brain of migrants because sleeping in the streets or in police stations is not normal. Not having adequate meals, sanitation, and hygiene is terrible. Sending non English speaking children to schools without adequate learning materials during a teacher shortage is not thinking on the part of migrant parents.

    They should return to their country and work with their leaders to bring about change because America has its own unsolved problems like poverty, drug addiction, homelessness, shortage of teachers, gangs, dropouts, etc.

  9. Anonymous9/11/2023

    Venezuela is a beautiful country that I visited in 1970s on a beautiful ship. There problems there like we have in America such as high crime and poverty. However migrants should return to their country and help to resolve the conflicts because sleeping in police stations or in tents during Chicago’s freezing winters is pathetic.

    Plans to accommodate thousands of migrants will cause a crisis that will bankrupt the city.

  10. Anonymous9/13/2023

    Why not have each migrant apply for temporary state welfare assistance to allow them to rent an apartment and support themselves while they are looking for employment. That’s better than living in tents and police stations.
