Tuesday, August 8, 2023

USMC deployed to counter Iran and serve as cannon fodder

the Marines will soon be in harms way


  1. Anonymous8/08/2023

    i'm a viet nam era and gulf war era vet. my wife is a gulf war era vet. our daughter is in the military. one of our sons is an enduring freedom vet. a grandson is a vet.
    we all knew what we were signing up for. nobody prays for peace more than a warrior.
    but someone has to protect your right to protest and disagree, sometimes violently, with events happening in other places in the world that are beyond your control.

    1. Anonymous8/08/2023

      But since 1945, the only real enemies of the US citizens have been the US government, the Deep State, and foreign interests that control them. The military does THEIR BIDDING, not ours. Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler made this all very clear in the 1930s.

  2. Anonymous8/08/2023

    The ONLY way to stop this is for people to STOP ENLISTING in the military. Seriously, you are VOLUNTEERING for this...YOU.

  3. "Cannon fodder"?
    You should probably look up any version of the joke about the Marines with the punchline "It's a trap! There's two of them!!"
