Wednesday, August 30, 2023

TV news crew in Chicago robbed at gunpoint while reporting on robberies


A television news crew was robbed at gunpoint this week in Chicago while reporting from the scene on a spate of robberies that took place across the city in recent days. 

A reporter and cameraman for Spanish-language station Univision Chicago were reporting from Chicago’s west side early Monday morning when they were accosted at gunpoint by three armed men wearing ski masks.

The men allegedly demanded money and stole some personal belongings before they fled the scene, police told local media outlets.

No injuries were reported and no one is in custody, police investigating the robbery said.

The Washington Post noted in its coverage of Monday’s incident that recent crime statistics in Chicago show a drop in the number of homicides and shootings, but a spike in robberies and carjackings. 

Earlier this month, a photographer for Chicago-based WLS-TV was assaulted and robbed while preparing to cover a weekday afternoon news conference on the city’s west side. 


  1. Anonymous8/30/2023

    But they will still vote for democrats and Soros-controlled DAs.

  2. Anonymous8/30/2023
