Friday, August 11, 2023

Seems that January 6th was a setup!

Interview of the Chief of the Capital Police

Give yourself 55 Minutes to view this. It will change your perception of what occurred.

  • a call for help went out to local police. The New Jersey State Police were the first to arrive after driving 120 miles as all other police were just seemed to stand down
  • Speaker Pelosi's staff and Leader Mitch McConnell's aide obstructed a call for assistance from the National Guard
  • ANTIFA members were seen arriving at the capital building hours before the protest began
  • The Chief of Police was not interviewed by the House committee charged with investigating January 6th




  1. Anonymous8/11/2023

    Meh. Video misses the main point of all the Jan 6 conspiracy nuts. If there was no rally. If Trump did not incite the crowd with his bullshit “ I’m going to March down with you and take back…blah blah blah”, if he was gracious in his defeat and not stoke the blind faithful, none of this would happen. I’m sure part of the limited preparation is that officials thought, like I did, is that Americans would never act in this third world manner and storm a public building. Embarrassment.

  2. Anonymous8/11/2023

    We all knew all along a blind, dead guy could see the truth

  3. Anonymous8/11/2023

    A blind dead guy could see it was all a set up

  4. Anonymous8/11/2023

    Yup, complete false flag operation.

  5. Anonymous8/12/2023

    False flag operation.
