Friday, August 18, 2023

NATO Desperately Seeks OFF RAMP for Ukraine DISASTER!!!


  1. Mike-SMO8/18/2023

    Nice try. Modern war is expensive, no surprise there. If all NATO has to offer is surrender, why bother? Russia has lost a lot. Pushing the Russian military while they are weak makes sense. Poland understands what the Russians are up to. They were part of the Russian/Soviet machine and had thousands of their best murdered in places like the Katyn Forest. Putin has announced plans to occupy Poland up to the banks of the Vistula River. Ukraine is just the start of Russia's new effort at empire. Russia is paranoid about tank heavy invasions, and hasn't yet realized that tanks are now just targets. Russia is in this now since they want the pipelines across the Ulraine as well as the gas, oil, and coal beneath the black dirt.

    Russia can end the war at any time by recalling their army from the Ukraine. If NATO will not even help another country fight the Russians, what good are they? If it would not involve a return to the Stalinist brutality for the population, I'd be willing to have the pussy politicians in Europe have their surrender. The Ukrainian fighters know what is coming. They'd rather go down fighting.

    The Russians got a lesson at Dier ez Zor, Syria. They never saw it coming. The Oligarchs know that it would be suicide if they go nuclear against the West or the Ukrainians. That is the game they started. Better the Russians have to deal with their Chinese friends. The Chinese have ancient claims on Siberia. Now there is all that gas and those minerals.

    Looks like most of NATO is just another pipe dream from the rubble of WWII. If Europe will not assist fight the new dictator, screw'em.

  2. Anonymous8/19/2023
