Thursday, August 17, 2023

Greenhouse Effect?


40 Trillion Gallons of Water Vapor

In January 2022 an undersea volcano near the Pacific island of Tonga underwent a savage detonation.

Scientists presently estimate that the detonation vomited some 40 trillion gallons of water vapor into Earth’s upper atmosphere.

40 trillion gallons!

Our scientific advisers inform us that water vapor is a far, far mightier greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

Water vapor accounts for perhaps 70% of the greenhouse effect, we are told.

Carbon dioxide — meantime — accounts for merely 25%.

And last January 40 trillion gallons of water vapor were turned upon the higher atmosphere.

We were informed of one scientific study claiming the inundation elevated the water vapor content of the stratosphere by up to 15%.

This study projects that the inundation may elevate Earth’s average temperature. By how much?

By up to 0.035° Celsius (0.063° Fahrenheit) over the next five years.

Might this sudden water vapor inundation explain this year’s weather?

By our own admission we lack all scientific credentials. Yet we find the water vapor theory plausible.

More plausible, indeed, than the human-induced theory.