Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Another Trump Investigation

This one arises out of a golf game he played at Culver, Indiana. Evidently, there was betting and a payments of those bets.

Among the charges that are to be lodged:

  • Betting an amount in excess of $500.00
  • Conspiracy to bet an amount in excess of $500.00
  • Money laundering
  • Use of a state highway to place a bet
  • Use of a state airport to place a bet
  • Conspiracy to use a state highway and/or airport to place a bet
  • Swearing
  • Spitting

If convicted of all the charges, Tump faces jail time totaling over 8 years in the state penitentiary.


  1. Anonymous8/16/2023

    How did the German people let it happen????

  2. Anonymous8/17/2023

    The left is afraid

  3. Anonymous8/18/2023

    Beginning to look like Nazi Germany
