Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Gavin Newsom it is (or will be)

Tucker Carlson Makes Chilling Prediction About 2024

Tucker Carlson Makes Chilling Prediction About 2024

In the latest episode of Tucker on Twitter, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson made a rather bold prediction about the 2024 election.

Carlson pointed out that the recently released WhatsApp messages from Hunter Biden to his Chinese business partner proved that Joe Biden was involved in (or at the very least knew about) Hunter Biden’s influence-peddling schemes. He called the messages a “smoking gun” that “would have been enough to cripple a normal president, would have been more than enough to keep a normal president from running for office again,” yet they had “virtually no effect on Joe Biden.” Why? Because the mainstream media relentlessly defends him from his scandals.

If there’s anything that the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have proven, it’s that Joe Biden is a pro-war authoritarian. Emergencies like pandemics and wars allow those in power to behave like dictators in the name of “democracy,” and Joe Biden is no different, so our institutions will do anything to keep him in power.

“The people who control Joe Biden — Susan Rice and the rest — know they can continue to run our government, writing the press releases, formulating the policies, and they can do it effectively forever, as long as Joe Biden gets dressed in the morning, and of course that’s their strong preference,” Carlson explained. The problem is Biden’s failing mental health. His cognitive decline was easier to keep hidden during the pandemic but is now impossible to ignore, and it’s getting worse by the day.

“In a year or two he will be gone completely, and there will be no hiding it,” Carlson said. “At that point, the Democratic Party will face a secession problem.”

“If Joe Biden is reelected next year and then forced to leave office during his term due to disability or death, that means Kamala Harris will become President of the United States,” he added. “And nobody wants that, not even her husband.”

Carlson continued, “No one will benefit if she becomes president. So logic suggests there’s going to be a change; it’s going to have to be somebody else. And whoever that person is, is going to have to enter the race soon before the election after Biden drops out. Who could that person be? We don’t know.”

But he has a theory: “Obviously this is all just guessing, but we do know whoever that is will have to have two essential criteria: he’ll have to be as shallow, ruthless, and transactional as Joe Biden is, and he’ll need to have flattery skills that are so polished and advanced they’d be considered superior even in the Saudi Royal Court. And there’s only one man in modern America who fits that description: Gavin Newsom, the governor of California and perhaps not coincidentally Joe Biden’s new closest friend.”

There’s a lot to support this theory. As we’ve previously reported, Newsom, who is clearly eyeing the White House but won’t run against Joe Biden, has been establishing what appears to be a national network that could easily be converted into a presidential campaign should the need arise.

“If you’re looking for the leader of the coup, there he is right there,” Carlson declared.

I dare say he’s right.


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