Friday, May 12, 2023

Joe Biden, absolutely the most incompetent president in US history


Over half a million people have crossed into the US illegallyand not been stopped by border patrol in the last eight months, an official revealed Wednesday.

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Chief Raul Ortiz said there have been an estimated 530,000 migrants ‘gotaways’ since the beginning of fiscal year 2023, which began in October.

Gotaways are those who were spotted by border patrol but unable to be apprehended, triggered motion sensor cameras in remote areas, or were otherwise known to have stolen into the country.

The true number of people who have made it into the US illegally is likely to be even higher.

The number of gotaways is on track to be the highest in recent years, after 599,000 were estimated in fiscal year 2022, and 389,155 in 2021, according to Fox News sources.

Ortiz revealed the staggering figures during a meeting Wednesday, at which he also revealed agents have apprehended approximately 1.33 million migrants so far in fiscal year 2023.

The agency set a record for apprehensions in 2022 with 2.4 million.

The southern border is currently besieged with tens of thousands of migrants who have amassed at various points waiting for the end of Title 42, the pandemic-era measure that has allowed border patrol to swiftly eject migrants from certain countries without hearing their asylum claims, citing public health reasons. Migrants crossing the banks of the Rio Grande near El Paso on May 10, 2023. According to Border Patrol, over half a million migrants have crossed the border without being stopped in the last eight months.


  1. Anonymous5/12/2023

    The whole Border crisis is by DESIGN (on purpose) and not due to incompetence, although bidet is incompetent.

  2. Sorry, NO. Biden isn't responsible for picking out the flavor of ice-cream they let him eat.

    The Uni-party is running the show and using a meat puppet take the hits as front man.

    The powers that be will happily sacrifice the meat puppet to the maddened mobs to deflect the blame from themselves.

    There is no real difference between the Repugs nor the Demoncraps.

    As Carlin said it so well "It's a BIG CLUB and you and I are NOT in it".

  3. Wylie15/13/2023

    Who would ever guess that anyone could make Obama look good?

  4. Anonymous5/13/2023

    bidet is a tool for the NWO crowd to implement their plan.........................

  5. Anonymous5/14/2023

    Again, "lawyers are not administrators or managers"
