Saturday, April 8, 2023

Beetlejuice Rant Continues

exceptional behaviour zealot

CHICAGO - Chicago Police Interim Supt. Eric Carter confirmed via Twitter Friday afternoon that someone with access to the CPD Twitter account ‘liked’ an anti-transgender post.

"The Chicago Police Department does not tolerate bigotry. This week, there was an unauthorized ‘like’ of a tweet that does not represent the values of our Department. We take this matter seriously and have launched an internal investigation into this matter," Carter said via Twitter.

According to Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, she has instructed Supt. Carter to identify who ‘liked’ the tweet and hold them accountable.

"CPD is made up of a diverse group of Chicagoans who are committed to serving our city," Carter said. "We will continue working to support and advocate for every community, including our LGBTQ+ community, so that everyone feels safe and welcome."

The investigation is still ongoing, meanwhile hundreds of murders go unsolved.

Beetlejuice leaves office next month.

Hey Beetlejuice. What exactly was posted? Why the secrecy? Let the public decide for themselves how bad this post was.


  1. Anonymous4/08/2023

    Welcome Superintendent Assata!

  2. Anonymous4/08/2023

    Today is April 8th only 38 more days till Mayor Larry is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
