Wednesday, February 15, 2023


According to Beetljuice, 8,400 teachers or 37 % of the teachers who work for Chicago Public Schools make over $100,000 a year, for 6 hours a day, for 9 months out of the year. And they do a bad job too. That's too much.

Need longer class days - year round and match pay to student academic performance.


  1. Anonymous2/16/2023

    wasnt the mayor the one to cave, when she had the insurance leverage she just folded. i think the mayor takes orders. all democrates do hmmm big mystery boss has yet to become visible.

  2. Anonymous2/19/2023

    Why can't Johnny read and write? Because his teaher cant read and write. The teachers pronunce asked as axed, Library as Liberry,..... Their, and They're pronounced They. Vehicle prounced vehicool. Conjugation of the verb be as be or don't be. The abomination of the English language and they teach your kids to be even more stupid as they are.and get paid 6 figures?

    1. Anonymous2/20/2023

      Ebonics alive and well.
