Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Tulsi in 22?



Former Democratic Congressman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has just announced that she is leaving the Democratic Party via the tweet below. I think I agree with everything she says but the warmonger thing. Putting that to one side, however, she makes me think of Robert Frost’s comment in “A Considerable Speck.” Frost concludes that poem:

I have a mind myself and recognize
Mind when I meet with it in any guise
No one can know how glad I am to find
On any sheet the least display of mind.

She is a thoughtful woman who demonstrates considerably more than “the least display of mind” as she resists the stifling orthodoxies of the Democratic Party. Good for her.

What next? She doesn’t say. It sounds like she has some kind of a third-party venture in mind. Maybe she will let on when she keynotes the Center of the American Experiment’s Fall Briefing this coming Saturday.

An “Elitist Cabal Of Warmongers Driven By Cowardly Wokeness”


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