Friday, October 7, 2022

Mexicans can't stand anything woke

Poll: Hispanic Conservatives Show 65-Point Shift Towards Republicans Since 2012
A recent poll found that Hispanic conservatives would favor Republican control of Congress over Democrat control by 56 points, giving the Republicans a 65-point swing in the past decade.

Conservative Hispanics have shifted from lean-Democrat voters to Republican-base voters.

As NBC News reported:

In the merged NBC News/Wall Street Journal polls of 2012, 49% of self-described conservative Latinos said they preferred Democratic control of Congress, versus 40% who wanted Republicans in charge — a 9-point edge for Democrats.

But in our Sept. 2022 NBC News/Telemundo poll, a whopping 73% of conservative Latinos say they prefer Republicans in control of Congress, versus 17% who prefer Democrats — a 56-point advantage for the GOP.

That’s a net 65-point swing in a decade, and it helps to explain how Republicans have cut into Democrats’ lead among Latino voters.

These numbers show that the GOP has made waves among Hispanic voters over the past decade, which has only accelerated under President Joe Biden’s administration.

For example, a poll earlier this year found that Biden’s approval rating among Hispanics dropped by 21 points from the start of his presidency to April.

A different poll also found that Hispanics are “moving decisively away from Democrats,” in 47 battleground districts across the country.

As Breitbart News reported:

In fact, while Hispanic voters nationwide voted for Democrats in congressional races over Republicans by a wide margin, 63 percent to 36 percent, according to the 2020 exit polls, the NRCC analysis found that the Democrat’s advantage has been critically reduced. The recent poll found that “Hispanic voters are moving decisively away from Democrats,” cutting the Democrats’ advantage to a 44 percent to 37 percent margin on the generic congressional ballot.

The Republican Party has been helped this midterm season by the more than 100 Hispanics who are running for Congress as Republicans, a record for the party in a single cycle.

For example, Republican candidate Mayra Flores made headlines over the summer when she defeated Democrat Dan Sanchez in Texas’s heavily Hispanic Rio Grande Valley and became the first Republican to represent the area in roughly 150 years

Cassy Garcia, a Hispanic Republican hoping to unseat Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX), told Breitbart News, “Now more than ever Hispanics feel a genuine sense of belonging with the GOP.”

“The red wave is here,” Garcia said. “Now more than ever Hispanics feel a genuine sense of belonging with the GOP. We know Hispanics are conservative on education, on social issues. We’re pro-life and pro-gun. We want lower taxes, religious freedom, and school choice.”

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter.

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